Song | Tämä Maa |
Artist | Harri Marstio |
Album | 10 |
[00:18] | Oli järven rannalla pelto, There was a lake on the shore of the field |
[00:22] | Oli mökki ja siellä lies, There was a cottage and there lies |
[00:26] | Oli järven rannalla pelto, There was a lake on the shore of the field |
[00:30] | Ja pellolla mies. And a man in the field. |
[00:34] | Oli kevät toukokuuta, It was spring in May |
[00:38] | Ja oli muuta mustissaan, And there was something else in blacks |
[00:42] | Ja mielessä ei muuta, And the mind does not change |
[00:46] | Saada vilja kasvamaan, To get the grain to grow |
[00:52][01:08][02:03][02:19][03:17][03:33] | Tämä maa on kova kivinen maa, This land is a hard rocky land |
[00:56][01:12][02:07][02:23][03:21][03:37] | Tämä pitkien pilvien maa, This land of long clouds |
[01:00][01:16][02:11][02:27][03:25][03:41] | Vaikka luoja kylvää ja armahtaa, Though the Creator sows and pities |
[01:04][01:20][02:15][02:31][03:29][03:45] | Tämä maa ei milloinkaan. This country never ever. |
[01:29] | Tuli peltoon pitkä vilja, There was a long grain in the field |
[01:34] | Kiitti mies jo mielessään, Thanks a man already in his mind |
[01:37] | Hyvää onneansa hiljaa, Happy happiness quietly |
[01:41] | Vaan ei tiennyt enempää. But he did not know much more |
[01:45] | Tuli monta kylmää yötä, Many cold nights came in |
[01:49] | Satoi viikot elokuun, It rained weeks of August |
[01:53] | Oli kaikki turhaa työtä, It was all a waste of work |
[01:57] | Märkä vilja paleltuu. Wet cereals fade |
[02:59] | Päivä kääntyy kohti iltaa, Day turns towards evening |
[03:03] | Töölön lahti punertuu, The bay of Töölö is reddening |
[03:07] | Minä kuljen pitkää siltaa, I walk a long bridge |
[03:11] | Mikä jää se unohtuu! What will it be forgotten? |
[00:18] | Oli j rven rannalla pelto, There was a lake on the shore of the field |
[00:22] | Oli m kki ja siell lies, There was a cottage and there lies |
[00:26] | Oli j rven rannalla pelto, There was a lake on the shore of the field |
[00:30] | Ja pellolla mies. And a man in the field. |
[00:34] | Oli kev t toukokuuta, It was spring in May |
[00:38] | Ja oli muuta mustissaan, And there was something else in blacks |
[00:42] | Ja mieless ei muuta, And the mind does not change |
[00:46] | Saada vilja kasvamaan, To get the grain to grow |
[00:52][01:08][02:03][02:19][03:17][03:33] | T m maa on kova kivinen maa, This land is a hard rocky land |
[00:56][01:12][02:07][02:23][03:21][03:37] | T m pitkien pilvien maa, This land of long clouds |
[01:00][01:16][02:11][02:27][03:25][03:41] | Vaikka luoja kylv ja armahtaa, Though the Creator sows and pities |
[01:04][01:20][02:15][02:31][03:29][03:45] | T m maa ei milloinkaan. This country never ever. |
[01:29] | Tuli peltoon pitk vilja, There was a long grain in the field |
[01:34] | Kiitti mies jo mieless n, Thanks a man already in his mind |
[01:37] | Hyv onneansa hiljaa, Happy happiness quietly |
[01:41] | Vaan ei tiennyt enemp. But he did not know much more |
[01:45] | Tuli monta kylm y t, Many cold nights came in |
[01:49] | Satoi viikot elokuun, It rained weeks of August |
[01:53] | Oli kaikki turhaa ty t, It was all a waste of work |
[01:57] | M rk vilja paleltuu. Wet cereals fade |
[02:59] | P iv k ntyy kohti iltaa, Day turns towards evening |
[03:03] | T l n lahti punertuu, The bay of T l is reddening |
[03:07] | Min kuljen pitk siltaa, I walk a long bridge |
[03:11] | Mik j se unohtuu! What will it be forgotten? |