The Dao in College App

Song The Dao in College App
Artist YoungStar
Album Chinese Philosophers Rap Battle


[00:00.000] 作词 : PHILOSOPHY 601/iNFERNO.13
[00:00.221] 作曲 : Noah Li/iNFERNO.13
[00:00.442] Lyrics by: Jensen Liang/Terry Wang/Azrael Zhu/Banksy Yin/Yves Qi/Ryan Li/Jane Huang/Lilith Gao/Ricardo Huang/Michelle Liu
[00:01.442] Intro (Travis Walker):
[00:02.189] Coming at you guys straight up from China【从中国而来,你们看好啦】
[00:05.941] We got Confucians【我们有孔子】
[00:07.439] We got Mencius【孟子】
[00:08.944] Versus【对阵】
[00:10.190] Lao Tzu and【老子和】
[00:11.190] Zhuang Zi【庄子】
[00:13.443] Confucius (Jane Huang):
[00:14.441] First day in high school, you gotta learn true culture【步入高中的第一天,你就应该学习仁义礼智信】
[00:16.439] Without proper rules, homies be vultures【如若没有礼治,你的挚友都会沦为衣冠土枭】
[00:18.190] You born incomplete but got tools to be proper【人生来残缺,但道德与礼教都可以扶持】
[00:20.194] Western Zhou culture is the one to be honored【西周文化就是通往仁义的道路】
[00:21.941] Applying to college, gotta be a gentleman【申请大学的时候,一定要有君子之风】
[00:23.690] Don't goof all day, sit down write your supplement【别整天无所事事,抓紧坐下来完成文书】
[00:25.443] Get yourself restrained, get rid of your games【克制欲求,摆脱游戏】
[00:27.442] Do what you have aimed, cause no pain and no gain【努力去追求自己的梦想,没有努力哪来的收获?】
[00:29.194] Enter High school you take extra-curricula【上了高中,也要参加课外活动】
[00:30.939] Build a robot, sing A-cappella, code your java【搭搭机器人,唱唱阿卡贝拉,写写Java代码】
[00:32.944] Inherit the spirit from events out of class【如若能从课外活动中汲取真谛】
[00:34.983] Nothing for you would be really even hard 【对你来说就没有什么做不到的了】
[00:36.478] What you fake on CommonApp is bomb attack【CommonApp(大学申请系统)上的谎言无非是定时炸弹】
[00:38.586] What you make up I wanna ask does honor lack【那些捏造的“事实”是道德的缺失吗】
[00:40.335] Your app must match what you really do【你的大学申请不能有半点造假】
[00:42.340] Or you are gonna stuck in a lying loop【否则你定然会养成撒谎的习惯】
[00:42.839] Lao Tzu (Noah Li):
[00:43.588] Why do you need rules since you're not a fool【傻子才需要那些条条框框】
[00:45.840] You can't fix your mind by such external tools【你不能依靠身外之物来解决问题】
[00:48.087] Align body and mind, just stay cool【调整身心,保持冷静】
[00:49.840] Then you'll know what's right to do【你自己就会知道什么才是应该做的】
[00:51.839] I don't know what you are crying for【不要为了你的未来而哭泣】
[00:53.087] Why you dying for that bastard CollegeBoard【不要为了那混蛋的CollegeBoard(大学理事会)而牺牲】
[00:55.089] No TOEFL and AP, not the core【标化从来都不是你人生的中心】
[00:56.835] Just chill and let nature take its course【无为会为你带来更多】
[00:59.337] Still lookin at that college rank?【还在看那些大学排名?】
[01:01.087] Ivies are only for you to swank【藤校也不过是炫耀的工具吧】
[01:02.835] Just get rid of it and then relax【放宽心态放轻松】
[01:04.335] Offer's gonna stack up like my ass 【录取通知书自然手到擒来】
[01:06.340] Whoo, do you see that vicious competition?【你也知道校园里的那些恶性竞争】
[01:08.088] Campus' filled with parents' donations【学校里充满了父母的捐赠】
[01:10.085] Bad genius cheating on SAT【天才枪手们在考场里作弊】
[01:12.089] But no one accept who he really is【但没有人接受他们本来的自己】
[01:13.334] Zhuang Zi (Steven Lin):
[01:15.087] You know what, Lao Tzu【哎呀老子】
[01:18.336] You just killed the beat, you know【你刚才那段真是没法比了呀】
[01:19.589] Lao Tzu (Noah Li):
[01:20.086] What’d they gonna do, man 【看他们这下该怎么反驳】
[01:21.090] Zhuang Zi (Steven Lin):
[01:21.339] What’d they gonna do【看他们怎么办】
[01:22.339] Confucius (Jane Huang):
[01:22.835] Nah, you ain’t got nothing compare to this 【好戏还在后头】
[01:24.033] Mencius (Kimberly Garner):
[01:25.033] Yeah man just bring the beat back【DJ快放Beat】
[01:27.029] Yo let’s go【走起】
[01:28.279] Yah, why you wanna go to college?【你为什么还要去上大学】
[01:30.278] You think teachers teach garbage【如果你认为老师教的都是垃圾】
[01:32.528] Relax, stay cool【每天只知道无所事事】
[01:34.031] Maybe I’ll buy you ticket to a zoo【那你适合呆在动物园】
[01:36.278] Oh wait, you don't want any rules? 【等等,你不想要任何规则?】
[01:38.028] People gonna screw up and fight for food【试想一下,人们将会为了生存不择手段】
[01:39.783] Guess what?【你猜怎么着?】
[01:40.781] Good for you if you wanna live a life with the Croods【那你就去和原始人们居住吧】
[01:43.533] You know what it takes to be a person【你知道一个人需要具备些什么吗?】
[01:45.283] Justice is a gift not a burden【不是生活的负担,而是正义与礼节】
[01:47.241] Goodness exists when you’re just an infant【人之初,性本善】
[01:49.240] Choices we make are prolific【希望等你长大了也不要失去你善良的本性】
[01:51.237] Confucius was right about no pain no gain【孔子说得对,没有付出就没有回报】
[01:52.988] No one is born to be like Bruce Wayne【没有人生来就像布鲁斯·韦恩(蝙蝠侠)一样完美】
[01:54.736] Work hard and don't you dare to blink【要努力地活着,不要有丝毫松懈】
[01:56.239] Cinderella marries the prince but wears no pink【王子可不会爱上没有梳妆打扮过的灰姑娘】
[01:56.991] Chorus:
[01:57.492] I got TOEFL, SAT【每天与托福和SAT作伴】
[01:59.237] Holiday all for activities【所有的假期被活动排得满满当当】
[02:01.237] Flattering agents praise on me【中介每天给着虚伪的夸奖】
[02:02.992] You won't know the pain of me【谁又能理解我内心的煎熬苦涩?】
[02:05.240] Insomnia get me no sleep【辗转反侧,寤寐难安】
[02:06.737] Taking tests spent a ton money【为考试挥金如土】
[02:08.742] You see I'm standing by my feet【终看我羽翼丰满】
[02:10.492] Chasing offer in Ivy League【追梦藤校】
[02:11.742] Confucius (Jane Huang):
[02:12.492] Some people won at the starting line【有天赋的人已经赢在了起跑线上】
[02:14.490] No gain without sacrifice【没有付出就没有回报】
[02:16.487] Stop from running out of time【不再贪图享乐,虚度光阴】
[02:18.434] I'll be my parents' pride【我将是我父母的骄傲】
[02:19.432] Mencius (Kimberly Garner):
[02:19.932] Some people won at the starting line【有天赋的人已经赢在了起跑线上】
[02:22.437] No gain without sacrifice【没有付出就没有回报】
[02:23.932] Handle the wheels of car I drive【命运的齿轮由我来转动】
[02:26.184] I'll take charge of my life【我的人生由我做主】
[02:29.937] Zhuang Zi (Steven Lin):
[02:31.433] Fast your heart, clear your mind【要安之若素,心无旁骛】
[02:33.183] You know you just a human-kind【你我不过是肉眼凡胎罢了】
[02:34.687] Hey kid, wanna be mature? 【想费尽心思,考虑周全所有身外之物?】
[02:36.184] Leave space for harmony and rest assure【还是算了,知足安命吧】
[02:38.183] Imagine wall-street suit cause your blinding score【你若是心高气傲,成天做白日梦】
[02:40.184] No one compare but can't even do your chore【也不过是个虚有其表,花里胡哨的人】
[02:42.187] Like a puppet in social norm and bubble【最终会沦落为被社会条条框框摆布的木偶】
[02:43.937] It ain't a struggle, get realness or get trouble【所以贤者坦荡,庸人自扰啊】
[02:46.183] Email, website, virtual tour【电邮介绍,学校网站,虚拟校园游】
[02:47.683] Said you know dream school but are you really sure?【你说你懂梦校,但你真的确定?】
[02:49.434] You know nothing about a college, just a bit【你只懂一点如何能够大展宏图】
[02:51.435] Cut your vain anxiety and you’ll fit【停止你徒劳的焦虑,你终会进入你适合的大学】
[02:53.187] Listen to your heart all that blah blah blah【听从你的心】
[02:54.936] Fixed minds get you bombed, nah nah nah【否则固化思维将摧毁你】
[02:56.934] Let your own spirit do the college pick【让“气“带你选择去路】
[02:58.683] When offer come they'd be like "Dude you so sick!”【当录取通知书到来人们都会高喊“威武!”】
[02:59.937] Lao Tzu (Noah Li) & Confucius (Jane Huang):
[03:00.683] Follow my advice, you don’t apply for twice【听从我的指示,你就不会走太多弯路】
[03:02.436] Do it right, you will see that future bright【执行正确的指令,你就是明日之星】
[03:04.433] Take your time, do what you want【不慌不忙,做你所想】
[03:05.687] Make your own sound, don’t let other bake you down【表达自己的思想,别让旁人把你影响】
[03:07.683] No agent needed, no counsellor requested【中介不是必需,顾问没有必要】
[03:09.682] College pick should made by your spirit【大学选择必须按照你自己的喜好】
[03:11.433] Just find where you're fit in, you know you'll did it【找到你适合的学校,你知道你能做到】
[03:13.187] No matter you're accepted, or being rejected【不管是接受的喜报,还是拒绝的噩耗】
[03:15.937] There isn’t any right and wrong【这无关于对错的道理】
[03:17.630] Each side representing one of hundred flowers blooming【每种思想都是盛开的百朵花之一】
[03:19.627] Hundreds school of thoughts contending, growing diversely【百家争鸣,各抒己见】
[03:22.630] In the verse, we’ve been firmly believing【我们坚信】
[03:25.575] No matter Taoist versus Confucian or Mencius 【不论是孔、孟,还是老、庄的思想】
[03:28.322] We still be the family, peace yo【我们始终是一个集体,世界和平】
[03:32.821] Arranged by Noah Li
[03:35.326] Mastered by REDHOSE
[03:36.575] Noah Li
[03:38.075] Translated by PHILOSOPHY 601


[00:00.000] zuò cí : PHILOSOPHY 601 iNFERNO. 13
[00:00.221] zuò qǔ : Noah Li iNFERNO. 13
[00:00.442] Lyrics by: Jensen Liang Terry Wang Azrael Zhu Banksy Yin Yves Qi Ryan Li Jane Huang Lilith Gao Ricardo Huang Michelle Liu
[00:01.442] Intro Travis Walker:
[00:02.189] Coming at you guys straight up from China cóng zhōng guó ér lái, nǐ men kàn hǎo la
[00:05.941] We got Confucians wǒ men yǒu kǒng zǐ
[00:07.439] We got Mencius mèng zǐ
[00:08.944] Versus duì zhèn
[00:10.190] Lao Tzu and lǎo zi hé
[00:11.190] Zhuang Zi zhuāng zi
[00:13.443] Confucius Jane Huang:
[00:14.441] First day in high school, you gotta learn true culture bù rù gāo zhōng de dì yì tiān, nǐ jiù yīng gāi xué xí rén yì lǐ zhì xìn
[00:16.439] Without proper rules, homies be vultures rú ruò méi yǒu lǐ zhì, nǐ de zhì yǒu dōu huì lún wéi yì guān tǔ xiāo
[00:18.190] You born incomplete but got tools to be proper rén shēng lái cán quē, dàn dào dé yǔ lǐ jiào dōu kě yǐ fú chí
[00:20.194] Western Zhou culture is the one to be honored xī zhōu wén huà jiù shì tōng wǎng rén yì de dào lù
[00:21.941] Applying to college, gotta be a gentleman shēn qǐng dà xué de shí hòu, yí dìng yào yǒu jūn zǐ zhī fēng
[00:23.690] Don' t goof all day, sit down write your supplement bié zhěng tiān wú suǒ shì shì, zhuā jǐn zuò xià lái wán chéng wén shū
[00:25.443] Get yourself restrained, get rid of your games kè zhì yù qiú, bǎi tuō yóu xì
[00:27.442] Do what you have aimed, cause no pain and no gain nǔ lì qù zhuī qiú zì jǐ de mèng xiǎng, méi yǒu nǔ lì nǎ lái de shōu huò?
[00:29.194] Enter High school you take extracurricula shàng le gāo zhōng, yě yào cān jiā kè wài huó dòng
[00:30.939] Build a robot, sing Acappella, code your java dā dā jī qì rén, chàng chàng a kǎ bèi lā, xiě xiě Java dài mǎ
[00:32.944] Inherit the spirit from events out of class rú ruò néng cóng kè wài huó dòng zhōng jí qǔ zhēn dì
[00:34.983] Nothing for you would be really even hard  duì nǐ lái shuō jiù méi yǒu shén me zuò bú dào de le
[00:36.478] What you fake on CommonApp is bomb attack CommonApp dà xué shēn qǐng xì tǒng shàng de huǎng yán wú fēi shì dìng shí zhà dàn
[00:38.586] What you make up I wanna ask does honor lack nèi xiē niē zào de" shì shí" shì dào dé de quē shī ma
[00:40.335] Your app must match what you really do nǐ de dà xué shēn qǐng bù néng yǒu bàn diǎn zào jiǎ
[00:42.340] Or you are gonna stuck in a lying loop fǒu zé nǐ dìng rán huì yǎng chéng sā huǎng de xí guàn
[00:42.839] Lao Tzu Noah Li:
[00:43.588] Why do you need rules since you' re not a fool shǎ zi cái xū yào nèi xiē tiáo tiáo kuàng kuàng
[00:45.840] You can' t fix your mind by such external tools nǐ bù néng yī kào shēn wài zhī wù lái jiě jué wèn tí
[00:48.087] Align body and mind, just stay cool tiáo zhěng shēn xīn, bǎo chí lěng jìng
[00:49.840] Then you' ll know what' s right to do nǐ zì jǐ jiù huì zhī dào shén me cái shì yīng gāi zuò de
[00:51.839] I don' t know what you are crying for bú yào wèi le nǐ de wèi lái ér kū qì
[00:53.087] Why you dying for that bastard CollegeBoard bú yào wèi le nà hún dàn de CollegeBoard dà xué lǐ shì huì ér xī shēng
[00:55.089] No TOEFL and AP, not the core biāo huà cóng lái dōu bú shì nǐ rén shēng de zhōng xīn
[00:56.835] Just chill and let nature take its course wú wéi huì wèi nǐ dài lái gèng duō
[00:59.337] Still lookin at that college rank? hái zài kàn nèi xiē dà xué pái míng?
[01:01.087] Ivies are only for you to swank téng xiào yě bù guò shì xuàn yào de gōng jù ba
[01:02.835] Just get rid of it and then relax fàng kuān xīn tài fàng qīng sōng
[01:04.335] Offer' s gonna stack up like my ass lù qǔ tōng zhī shū zì rán shǒu dào qín lái
[01:06.340] Whoo, do you see that vicious competition? nǐ yě zhī dào xiào yuán lǐ de nèi xiē è xìng jìng zhēng
[01:08.088] Campus' filled with parents' donations xué xiào lǐ chōng mǎn le fù mǔ de juān zèng
[01:10.085] Bad genius cheating on SAT tiān cái qiāng shǒu men zài kǎo chǎng lǐ zuò bì
[01:12.089] But no one accept who he really is dàn méi yǒu rén jiē shòu tā men běn lái de zì jǐ
[01:13.334] Zhuang Zi Steven Lin:
[01:15.087] You know what, Lao Tzu āi yā lǎo zi
[01:18.336] You just killed the beat, you know nǐ gāng cái nà duàn zhēn shì méi fǎ bǐ le ya
[01:19.589] Lao Tzu Noah Li:
[01:20.086] What' d they gonna do, man kàn tā men zhè xià gāi zěn me fǎn bó
[01:21.090] Zhuang Zi Steven Lin:
[01:21.339] What' d they gonna do kàn tā men zěn me bàn
[01:22.339] Confucius Jane Huang:
[01:22.835] Nah, you ain' t got nothing compare to this hǎo xì hái zài hòu tou
[01:24.033] Mencius Kimberly Garner:
[01:25.033] Yeah man just bring the beat back DJ kuài fàng Beat
[01:27.029] Yo let' s go zǒu qǐ
[01:28.279] Yah, why you wanna go to college? nǐ wèi shí me hái yào qù shàng dà xué
[01:30.278] You think teachers teach garbage rú guǒ nǐ rèn wéi lǎo shī jiào de dōu shì lā jī
[01:32.528] Relax, stay cool měi tiān zhǐ zhī dào wú suǒ shì shì
[01:34.031] Maybe I' ll buy you ticket to a zoo nà nǐ shì hé dāi zài dòng wù yuán
[01:36.278] Oh wait, you don' t want any rules?  děng děng, nǐ bù xiǎng yào rèn hé guī zé?
[01:38.028] People gonna screw up and fight for food shì xiǎng yī xià, rén men jiāng huì wèi le shēng cún bù zé shǒu duàn
[01:39.783] Guess what? nǐ cāi zěn me zhāo?
[01:40.781] Good for you if you wanna live a life with the Croods nà nǐ jiù qù hé yuán shǐ rén men jū zhù ba
[01:43.533] You know what it takes to be a person nǐ zhī dào yí ge rén xū yào jù bèi xiē shén me ma?
[01:45.283] Justice is a gift not a burden bú shì shēng huó de fù dān, ér shì zhèng yì yǔ lǐ jié
[01:47.241] Goodness exists when you' re just an infant rén zhī chū, xìng běn shàn
[01:49.240] Choices we make are prolific xī wàng děng nǐ zhǎng dà le yě bú yào shī qù nǐ shàn liáng de běn xìng
[01:51.237] Confucius was right about no pain no gain kǒng zǐ shuō de duì, méi yǒu fù chū jiù méi yǒu huí bào
[01:52.988] No one is born to be like Bruce Wayne méi yǒu rén shēng lái jiù xiàng bù lǔ sī wéi ēn biān fú xiá yí yàng wán měi
[01:54.736] Work hard and don' t you dare to blink yào nǔ lì dì huó zhe, bú yào yǒu sī háo sōng xiè
[01:56.239] Cinderella marries the prince but wears no pink wáng zǐ kě bú huì ài shàng méi yǒu shū zhuāng dǎ bàn guò de huī gū niáng
[01:56.991] Chorus:
[01:57.492] I got TOEFL, SAT měi tiān yǔ tuō fú hé SAT zuò bàn
[01:59.237] Holiday all for activities suǒ yǒu de jià qī bèi huó dòng pái dé mǎn mǎn dāng dāng
[02:01.237] Flattering agents praise on me zhōng jiè měi tiān gěi zhe xū wěi de kuā jiǎng
[02:02.992] You won' t know the pain of me shuí yòu néng lǐ jiě wǒ nèi xīn de jiān áo kǔ sè?
[02:05.240] Insomnia get me no sleep zhǎn zhuǎn fǎn cè, wù mèi nán ān
[02:06.737] Taking tests spent a ton money wèi kǎo shì huī jīn rú tǔ
[02:08.742] You see I' m standing by my feet zhōng kàn wǒ yǔ yì fēng mǎn
[02:10.492] Chasing offer in Ivy League zhuī mèng téng xiào
[02:11.742] Confucius Jane Huang:
[02:12.492] Some people won at the starting line yǒu tiān fù de rén yǐ jīng yíng zài le qǐ pǎo xiàn shàng
[02:14.490] No gain without sacrifice méi yǒu fù chū jiù méi yǒu huí bào
[02:16.487] Stop from running out of time bù zài tān tú xiǎng lè, xū dù guāng yīn
[02:18.434] I' ll be my parents' pride wǒ jiāng shì wǒ fù mǔ de jiāo ào
[02:19.432] Mencius Kimberly Garner:
[02:19.932] Some people won at the starting line yǒu tiān fù de rén yǐ jīng yíng zài le qǐ pǎo xiàn shàng
[02:22.437] No gain without sacrifice méi yǒu fù chū jiù méi yǒu huí bào
[02:23.932] Handle the wheels of car I drive mìng yùn de chǐ lún yóu wǒ lái zhuàn dòng
[02:26.184] I' ll take charge of my life wǒ de rén shēng yóu wǒ zuò zhǔ
[02:29.937] Zhuang Zi Steven Lin:
[02:31.433] Fast your heart, clear your mind yào ān zhī ruò sù, xīn wú páng wù
[02:33.183] You know you just a humankind nǐ wǒ bù guò shì ròu yǎn fán tāi bà le
[02:34.687] Hey kid, wanna be mature?  xiǎng fèi jìn xīn si, kǎo lǜ zhōu quán suǒ yǒu shēn wài zhī wù?
[02:36.184] Leave space for harmony and rest assure hái shì suàn le, zhī zú ān mìng ba
[02:38.183] Imagine wallstreet suit cause your blinding score nǐ ruò shì xīn gāo qì ào, chéng tiān zuò bái rì mèng
[02:40.184] No one compare but can' t even do your chore yě bù guò shì gè xū yǒu qí biǎo, huā lǐ hú shào de rén
[02:42.187] Like a puppet in social norm and bubble zuì zhōng huì lún luò wèi bèi shè huì tiáo tiáo kuàng kuàng bǎi bù de mù ǒu
[02:43.937] It ain' t a struggle, get realness or get trouble suǒ yǐ xián zhě tǎn dàng, yōng rén zì rǎo a
[02:46.183] Email, website, virtual tour diàn yóu jiè shào, xué xiào wǎng zhàn, xū nǐ xiào yuán yóu
[02:47.683] Said you know dream school but are you really sure? nǐ shuō nǐ dǒng mèng xiào, dàn nǐ zhēn dí què dìng?
[02:49.434] You know nothing about a college, just a bit nǐ zhǐ dǒng yì diǎn rú hé néng gòu dà zhǎn hóng tú
[02:51.435] Cut your vain anxiety and you' ll fit tíng zhǐ nǐ tú láo de jiāo lǜ, nǐ zhōng huì jìn rù nǐ shì hé de dà xué
[02:53.187] Listen to your heart all that blah blah blah tīng cóng nǐ de xīn
[02:54.936] Fixed minds get you bombed, nah nah nah fǒu zé gù huà sī wéi jiāng cuī huǐ nǐ
[02:56.934] Let your own spirit do the college pick ràng" qì" dài nǐ xuǎn zé qù lù
[02:58.683] When offer come they' d be like " Dude you so sick!" dāng lù qǔ tōng zhī shū dào lái rén men dōu huì gāo hǎn" wēi wǔ!"
[02:59.937] Lao Tzu Noah Li Confucius Jane Huang:
[03:00.683] Follow my advice, you don' t apply for twice tīng cóng wǒ de zhǐ shì, nǐ jiù bú huì zǒu tài duō wān lù
[03:02.436] Do it right, you will see that future bright zhí xíng zhèng què de zhǐ lìng, nǐ jiù shì míng rì zhī xīng
[03:04.433] Take your time, do what you want bù huāng bù máng, zuò nǐ suǒ xiǎng
[03:05.687] Make your own sound, don' t let other bake you down biǎo dá zì jǐ de sī xiǎng, bié ràng páng rén bǎ nǐ yǐng xiǎng
[03:07.683] No agent needed, no counsellor requested zhōng jiè bú shì bì xū, gù wèn méi yǒu bì yào
[03:09.682] College pick should made by your spirit dà xué xuǎn zé bì xū àn zhào nǐ zì jǐ de xǐ hào
[03:11.433] Just find where you' re fit in, you know you' ll did it zhǎo dào nǐ shì hé de xué xiào, nǐ zhī dào nǐ néng zuò dào
[03:13.187] No matter you' re accepted, or being rejected bù guǎn shì jiē shòu de xǐ bào, hái shì jù jué de è hào
[03:15.937] There isn' t any right and wrong zhè wú guān yú duì cuò de dào lǐ
[03:17.630] Each side representing one of hundred flowers blooming měi zhǒng sī xiǎng dōu shì shèng kāi de bǎi duǒ huā zhī yī
[03:19.627] Hundreds school of thoughts contending, growing diversely bǎi jiā zhēng míng, gè shū jǐ jiàn
[03:22.630] In the verse, we' ve been firmly believing wǒ men jiān xìn
[03:25.575] No matter Taoist versus Confucian or Mencius  bù lùn shì kǒng mèng, hái shì lǎo zhuāng de sī xiǎng
[03:28.322] We still be the family, peace yo wǒ men shǐ zhōng shì yí gè jí tǐ, shì jiè hé píng
[03:32.821] Arranged by Noah Li
[03:35.326] Mastered by REDHOSE
[03:36.575] Prod. by Noah Li
[03:38.075] Translated by PHILOSOPHY 601