Ballad of Princess Platinum and the Two Sisters

Song Ballad of Princess Platinum and the Two Sisters
Artist PonyBand
Album Altitude (Deluxe)


[00:00.000] 作词 : PonyBand
[00:01.000] 作曲 : PonyBand
[00:20.380] Long gone is in the ages
[00:23.856] The era of the Great Cold
[00:27.238] The woe that brought together
[00:30.790] The tribes of the ancient world
[00:34.170] The time came for the rulers
[00:37.571] To swallow their own pride
[00:40.972] And fervent flames of friendship
[00:44.249] Did the ice and their quarrels smite.
[00:48.153] -
[00:51.498] And so that strife and discord
[00:54.776] Would not between them stand
[00:58.116] Were alicorns called in for
[01:01.538] To reign upon the land
[01:05.003] So did two sisters step forth
[01:08.595] To claim the rightful throne
[01:11.873] But Platinum the Princess
[01:15.011] Ruled the sisters must be gone.
[01:17.991] -
[01:18.991] Sisters! The throne shall not be yours!
[01:22.460] Platinum proudly appeared
[01:25.802] And then bowing to no one
[01:29.108] At them she wrathfully peered.
[01:32.328] -
[01:35.751] She asked the royal sisters,
[01:39.270] «What for should you be here?
[01:42.658] Why did you not stand by me
[01:46.109] When seeking far and near?
[01:49.583] I fought through raging blizzards
[01:53.107] To find a home for all?
[01:56.411] When in the cave a trap of ice
[01:59.849] Did right upon me fall?
[02:03.232] -
[02:06.731] Oh, Luna! Though you are horned
[02:10.146] You aren`t of royal rank!
[02:13.560] Your flank, you little filly,
[02:16.901] Is as your sister`s blank.
[02:20.358] Alone shall I be ruler
[02:23.729] Mine is the highest throne!»
[02:27.279] There Luna smiled to conceal
[02:30.641] Wrath which in her eyes shone
[02:34.390] -
[02:37.528] If such is your desire
[02:40.986] To rule the land alone
[02:44.338] Then from here foth forever
[02:47.738] We sisters shall be gone.
[02:51.228] We shall dismiss the servants
[02:54.695] And leave the castle`s halls/
[02:58.061] So put the crown upon your head
[03:01.517] It by the right is yours!»
[03:04.614] -
[03:05.434] «Sisters! I see no reason why
[03:08.686] I should your orders heed!
[03:12.154] Never shall I my power
[03:15.472] Unto impostors concede!»
[03:18.392] -
[03:22.283] When Platinum stepped foward
[03:25.450] And crossed the hidden line,
[03:28.942] Did Luna nod, thus giving a subtle secret sign.
[03:35.842] A wide and dark hole opened
[03:39.308] Right there where Plat'num stepped
[03:42.617] The willful princess tumbled down
[03:46.075] And was by water swept.
[03:49.167] -
[03:52.863] Then came the royal sisters
[03:56.458] Down to the castles wall,
[03:59.861] And hardly could believe they
[04:03.163] The change wrought by the fall
[04:06.580] The waters washed away all
[04:10.115] Of Plat'num's arrogance
[04:13.532] With vainful pride now gone did she
[04:16.952] Give up her stubborn stance
[04:20.246] -
[04:20.878] Sisters! Revel in glory!
[04:24.034] Yours from now be the might!
[04:27.370] And for long blissful ages
[04:30.668] Your land be blessed in the light!


[00:00.000] zuò cí : PonyBand
[00:01.000] zuò qǔ : PonyBand
[00:20.380] Long gone is in the ages
[00:23.856] The era of the Great Cold
[00:27.238] The woe that brought together
[00:30.790] The tribes of the ancient world
[00:34.170] The time came for the rulers
[00:37.571] To swallow their own pride
[00:40.972] And fervent flames of friendship
[00:44.249] Did the ice and their quarrels smite.
[00:51.498] And so that strife and discord
[00:54.776] Would not between them stand
[00:58.116] Were alicorns called in for
[01:01.538] To reign upon the land
[01:05.003] So did two sisters step forth
[01:08.595] To claim the rightful throne
[01:11.873] But Platinum the Princess
[01:15.011] Ruled the sisters must be gone.
[01:18.991] Sisters! The throne shall not be yours!
[01:22.460] Platinum proudly appeared
[01:25.802] And then bowing to no one
[01:29.108] At them she wrathfully peered.
[01:35.751] She asked the royal sisters,
[01:39.270] What for should you be here?
[01:42.658] Why did you not stand by me
[01:46.109] When seeking far and near?
[01:49.583] I fought through raging blizzards
[01:53.107] To find a home for all?
[01:56.411] When in the cave a trap of ice
[01:59.849] Did right upon me fall?
[02:06.731] Oh, Luna! Though you are horned
[02:10.146] You aren t of royal rank!
[02:13.560] Your flank, you little filly,
[02:16.901] Is as your sister s blank.
[02:20.358] Alone shall I be ruler
[02:23.729] Mine is the highest throne!
[02:27.279] There Luna smiled to conceal
[02:30.641] Wrath which in her eyes shone
[02:37.528] If such is your desire
[02:40.986] To rule the land alone
[02:44.338] Then from here foth forever
[02:47.738] We sisters shall be gone.
[02:51.228] We shall dismiss the servants
[02:54.695] And leave the castle s halls
[02:58.061] So put the crown upon your head
[03:01.517] It by the right is yours!
[03:05.434] Sisters! I see no reason why
[03:08.686] I should your orders heed!
[03:12.154] Never shall I my power
[03:15.472] Unto impostors concede!
[03:22.283] When Platinum stepped foward
[03:25.450] And crossed the hidden line,
[03:28.942] Did Luna nod, thus giving a subtle secret sign.
[03:35.842] A wide and dark hole opened
[03:39.308] Right there where Plat' num stepped
[03:42.617] The willful princess tumbled down
[03:46.075] And was by water swept.
[03:52.863] Then came the royal sisters
[03:56.458] Down to the castles wall,
[03:59.861] And hardly could believe they
[04:03.163] The change wrought by the fall
[04:06.580] The waters washed away all
[04:10.115] Of Plat' num' s arrogance
[04:13.532] With vainful pride now gone did she
[04:16.952] Give up her stubborn stance
[04:20.878] Sisters! Revel in glory!
[04:24.034] Yours from now be the might!
[04:27.370] And for long blissful ages
[04:30.668] Your land be blessed in the light!