Sitting in the russian bath house on the avenue |
B no matter how much we sweat we just can't agree ai razminku yorshikom provodim my nobody learns no nothing from no history |
Tall little |
Sally plays with magic ebbles |
Dasha sells equipment to the |
Chechnian rebels ya vihozgu iz anala v astral tam mnogo chego slishal no ne zapisal nesmotrja na |
SE. SHE. A. ne poterjal azarta buhaju strogo kazdoje 8-e marta sitting in the bath house on the avenue |
B and never agree... ...but |
Sally all empires fall... even trends they fade away even complete (Stranger) asshole can lead you astray... but god damn it, next round is on me |
Nobody learns no nothin' from no history |
Tall little sally my darlin' your panic is so charming your shopping techniques are amazing your celebrity erudition is disarming... |
Yura viruchai! |