Where Is Lily

Where Is Lily Lyrics

Song Where Is Lily
Artist 马峻升
Album Where Is Lily
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[00:00.000] 作词 : 马峻升
[00:00.595] 作曲 : 马峻升
[00:01.190] 封面:Sago
[00:01.438] 混音:马峻升
[00:01.690] 制作:马峻升
[00:02.188] 和声:马峻升
[00:02.693] 旁白:马峻升
[00:03.442] 旁白—社会的立场:
[00:03.442] Attention!
[00:04.441] Lily has disappeared for 24 hours (Lily已经消失24个小时,无可寻觅)
[00:08.439] It's not a riddle (然而这丝毫不是一场迷踪)
[00:12.443] but a forced disappearance (而是有预谋的被迫消亡事件)
[00:14.643] Please mind your own business,just let sleeping dogs lie(别多管闲事了,让糟粕永远荡然无存吧)
[00:18.643] *Lily:百合,象征着坚贞圣洁,在中庸社会仍保留一丝个性态度和独立人格的群体
[00:21.088] Forgotten Lily fade away(才消逝不久的Lily 就这样被人群遗忘)
[00:23.837] No one even knows her name(连她微不足道的姓名 也被从记忆中删去)
[00:26.587] Once a holy blooming flower(曾经圣洁傲骨绽放的她)
[00:28.588] Spoiled and eliminated(如今被践踏与抹去)
[00:31.887] The hard men act like buffalo(如野牛一般 愚钝闫肃的乌合之众)
[00:34.341] Trample her uniqueness(推波助澜 踩踏着她那 仍保持独立自我的坚贞人格)
[00:36.839] Neither selfishness nor a thorn can threaten their way(他们说 人所拥有的自我和锋芒 只会阻碍他们建设中庸的世界)
[00:40.591] Sensation of Future being suppressed(啊 她感受到未来将被他们层层剥削)
[00:46.837] Stuck in the mud(像永远困处在脏兮兮的淤泥中 无可翻身)
[00:47.887] Forced to be routine(被他们强迫要求 成为一个墨守成规 毫无个性的人)
[00:49.838] Swallowed in their voices(被唾弃吞没在蔓延的空气中)
[00:50.337] Sensation of Leaving no regrets(啊 她觉得不能就这样惘度余生留下遗憾)
[00:53.587] Escape Run away Jailbreak And cross highways(她试着挣脱 逃亡 翻越栏樟)
[00:56.540] Caught by the masses(却还是被愚昧的大众捕获)
[00:58.486] Ravage her remaining old fragrance(狂妄得笑着一起 剥夺她“不拘一格”的残骸)
[01:19.487] Lily's gonna gonna gonna(Lily即将 就要 消亡)
[01:21.436] Gone to hell(陷入无底洞)
[01:23.940] Never again alive(再无一线生机)
[01:26.102] It's god's will(愚昧的大众却谈笑风声说着)
[01:27.855] The mob they said that she never again alive(她的消亡 是神的懿旨)
[01:30.558] But I want her home(但我多么多么渴望 她能想很想很想让她回家)
[01:32.561] The hell(该死的 你知道吗)
[01:33.808] She's fairest to my soul(她的信仰 是让我仍带着自己灵魂存活的 唯一追求了)
[01:41.307] Her funeral becomes social waste(人们咒骂着 为什么要举行她的葬礼 浪费社会资源)
[01:43.811] Bloody flower's on the ground(血淋淋的花瓣躺落在地上)
[01:46.311] Public discussion's turning into carnival(看到可观的结局 热议中人们终 于安定了心 开始狂欢舞蹈)
[01:51.252] Draw throngs here, pretending to pray(心理暗自欢喜的乌合之众 却假装仍在为她祈祷)
[01:53.850] Oh how I wish to pray(啊 我多希望真的能为她虔诚祈祷)
[01:56.249] Regretting not her sacrifice but we got lost in choking air(倒不是遗憾她的死亡 而是惋惜在这窒息的空气中 再无法容纳什么个性人格了)
[02:00.499] Sensation of future being suppressed(啊 我感受到未来将被他们层层剥削)
[02:05.999] Stuck in the mud(像永远困处在脏兮兮的淤泥中 无可翻身)
[02:07.250] Forced to be routine(被他们强迫要求 成为一个墨守成规 毫无个性的人)
[02:08.499] Swallowed in their voices(被唾弃吞没在蔓延的空气中)
[02:09.999] Sensation of leaving no regrets(啊 我觉得不能就这样惘度余生留下遗憾)
[02:12.250] Escape Run away Jailbreak And cross highways(试着挣脱 逃亡 翻越栏樟)
[02:15.999] Caught by the masses(却还是被愚昧的大众捕获)
[02:17.250] Ravage my remaining old fragrance(狂妄得笑着一起 剥夺我“不拘一格”的残骸)
[02:38.198] Lily's gonna gonna gonna(Lily即将 就要 消亡)
[02:40.949] Gone to hell(陷入无底洞)
[02:43.200] Never again alive(再无一线生机)
[02:45.700] It's god's will(愚昧的大众却谈笑风声说着)
[02:46.451] The mob they said that she never again alive(她的消亡 是神的懿旨)
[02:49.700] But I want her home(但我多么多么渴望 她能想很想很想让她回家)
[02:51.700] The hell(该死的 你知道吗)
[02:52.948] She's fairest to my soul(她的信仰 是让我仍带着自己灵魂存活的 唯一追求了)
[03:00.452] 长长的路啊 它就要到尽头
[03:10.452] 那姑娘已经是白发苍苍
[03:16.452] **取自朴树《白桦林》
[03:18.948] Where Is Lily
[03:25.199] Where Is Lily
[03:29.949] Where Is Lil'y
[03:40.452] 旁白—社会的立场:
[03:43.449] Please mind your own business,let sleeping dogs lie(别多管闲事了,让糟粕永远荡然无存吧)
[03:50.451] The trial resulted in her being sentenced to death permanently(审判结果已经出来了 她将被判处无期徒刑的消亡)
[03:55.200] Has anyone got any objection to this?(谁还有异议吗?)
[03:59.950] Me
[00:00.000] zuo ci : ma jun sheng
[00:00.595] zuo qu : ma jun sheng
[00:01.190] feng mian: Sago
[00:01.438] hun yin: ma jun sheng
[00:01.690] zhi zuo: ma jun sheng
[00:02.188] he sheng: ma jun sheng
[00:02.693] pang bai: ma jun sheng
[00:03.442] pang bai she hui de li chang:
[00:03.442] Attention!
[00:04.441] Lily has disappeared for 24 hours Lily yi jing xiao shi 24 ge xiao shi, wu ke xun mi
[00:08.439] It' s not a riddle ran er zhe si hao bu shi yi chang mi zong
[00:12.443] but a forced disappearance er shi you yu mou de bei po xiao wang shi jian
[00:14.643] Please mind your own business, just let sleeping dogs lie bie duo guan xian shi le, rang zao po yong yuan dang ran wu cun ba
[00:18.643] Lily: bai he, xiang zheng zhe jian zhen sheng jie, zai zhong yong she hui reng bao liu yi si ge xing tai du he du li ren ge de qun ti
[00:21.088] Forgotten Lily fade away cai xiao shi bu jiu de Lily jiu zhe yang bei ren qun yi wang
[00:23.837] No one even knows her name lian ta wei bu zu dao de xing ming ye bei cong ji yi zhong shan qu
[00:26.587] Once a holy blooming flower ceng jing sheng jie ao gu zhan fang de ta
[00:28.588] Spoiled and eliminated ru jin bei jian ta yu mo qu
[00:31.887] The hard men act like buffalo ru ye niu yi ban yu dun yan su de wu he zhi zhong
[00:34.341] Trample her uniqueness tui bo zhu lan cai ta zhe ta na reng bao chi du li zi wo de jian zhen ren ge
[00:36.839] Neither selfishness nor a thorn can threaten their way ta men shuo ren suo yong you de zi wo he feng mang zhi hui zu ai ta men jian she zhong yong de shi jie
[00:40.591] Sensation of Future being suppressed a ta gan shou dao wei lai jiang bei ta men ceng ceng bo xue
[00:46.837] Stuck in the mud xiang yong yuan kun chu zai zang xi xi de yu ni zhong wu ke fan shen
[00:47.887] Forced to be routine bei ta men qiang po yao qiu cheng wei yi ge mo shou cheng gui hao wu ge xing de ren
[00:49.838] Swallowed in their voices bei tuo qi tun mo zai man yan de kong qi zhong
[00:50.337] Sensation of Leaving no regrets a ta jue de bu neng jiu zhe yang wang du yu sheng liu xia yi han
[00:53.587] Escape Run away Jailbreak And cross highways ta shi zhe zheng tuo tao wang fan yue lan zhang
[00:56.540] Caught by the masses que hai shi bei yu mei de da zhong bu huo
[00:58.486] Ravage her remaining old fragrance kuang wang de xiao zhe yi qi bo duo ta" bu ju yi ge" de can hai
[01:19.487] Lily' s gonna gonna gonna Lily ji jiang jiu yao xiao wang
[01:21.436] Gone to hell xian ru wu di dong
[01:23.940] Never again alive zai wu yi xian sheng ji
[01:26.102] It' s god' s will yu mei de da zhong que tan xiao feng sheng shuo zhe
[01:27.855] The mob they said that she never again alive ta de xiao wang shi shen de yi zhi
[01:30.558] But I want her home dan wo duo me duo me ke wang ta neng xiang hen xiang hen xiang rang ta hui jia
[01:32.561] The hell gai si de ni zhi dao ma
[01:33.808] She' s fairest to my soul ta de xin yang shi rang wo reng dai zhe zi ji ling hun cun huo de wei yi zhui qiu le
[01:41.307] Her funeral becomes social waste ren men zhou ma zhe wei shi me yao ju xing ta de zang li lang fei she hui zi yuan
[01:43.811] Bloody flower' s on the ground xie lin lin de hua ban tang luo zai di shang
[01:46.311] Public discussion' s turning into carnival kan dao ke guan de jie ju re yi zhong ren men zhong yu an ding le xin kai shi kuang huan wu dao
[01:51.252] Draw throngs here, pretending to pray xin li an zi huan xi de wu he zhi zhong que jia zhuang reng zai wei ta qi dao
[01:53.850] Oh how I wish to pray a wo duo xi wang zhen de neng wei ta qian cheng qi dao
[01:56.249] Regretting not her sacrifice but we got lost in choking air dao bu shi yi han ta de si wang er shi wan xi zai zhe zhi xi de kong qi zhong zai wu fa rong na shi me ge xing ren ge le
[02:00.499] Sensation of future being suppressed a wo gan shou dao wei lai jiang bei ta men ceng ceng bo xue
[02:05.999] Stuck in the mud xiang yong yuan kun chu zai zang xi xi de yu ni zhong wu ke fan shen
[02:07.250] Forced to be routine bei ta men qiang po yao qiu cheng wei yi ge mo shou cheng gui hao wu ge xing de ren
[02:08.499] Swallowed in their voices bei tuo qi tun mo zai man yan de kong qi zhong
[02:09.999] Sensation of leaving no regrets a wo jue de bu neng jiu zhe yang wang du yu sheng liu xia yi han
[02:12.250] Escape Run away Jailbreak And cross highways shi zhe zheng tuo tao wang fan yue lan zhang
[02:15.999] Caught by the masses que hai shi bei yu mei de da zhong bu huo
[02:17.250] Ravage my remaining old fragrance kuang wang de xiao zhe yi qi bo duo wo" bu ju yi ge" de can hai
[02:38.198] Lily' s gonna gonna gonna Lily ji jiang jiu yao xiao wang
[02:40.949] Gone to hell xian ru wu di dong
[02:43.200] Never again alive zai wu yi xian sheng ji
[02:45.700] It' s god' s will yu mei de da zhong que tan xiao feng sheng shuo zhe
[02:46.451] The mob they said that she never again alive ta de xiao wang shi shen de yi zhi
[02:49.700] But I want her home dan wo duo me duo me ke wang ta neng xiang hen xiang hen xiang rang ta hui jia
[02:51.700] The hell gai si de ni zhi dao ma
[02:52.948] She' s fairest to my soul ta de xin yang shi rang wo reng dai zhe zi ji ling hun cun huo de wei yi zhui qiu le
[03:00.452] chang chang de lu a ta jiu yao dao jin tou
[03:10.452] na gu niang yi jing shi bai fa cang cang
[03:16.452] qu zi pu shu bai hua lin
[03:18.948] Where Is Lily
[03:25.199] Where Is Lily
[03:29.949] Where Is Lil' y
[03:40.452] pang bai she hui de li chang:
[03:43.449] Please mind your own business, let sleeping dogs lie bie duo guan xian shi le, rang zao po yong yuan dang ran wu cun ba
[03:50.451] The trial resulted in her being sentenced to death permanently shen pan jie guo yi jing chu lai le ta jiang bei pan chu wu qi tu xing de xiao wang
[03:55.200] Has anyone got any objection to this? shui hai you yi yi ma?
[03:59.950] Me
[04:01.951] wo
[00:00.000] zuò cí : mǎ jùn shēng
[00:00.595] zuò qǔ : mǎ jùn shēng
[00:01.190] fēng miàn: Sago
[00:01.438] hùn yīn: mǎ jùn shēng
[00:01.690] zhì zuò: mǎ jùn shēng
[00:02.188] hé shēng: mǎ jùn shēng
[00:02.693] páng bái: mǎ jùn shēng
[00:03.442] páng bái shè huì de lì chǎng:
[00:03.442] Attention!
[00:04.441] Lily has disappeared for 24 hours Lily yǐ jīng xiāo shī 24 gè xiǎo shí, wú kě xún mì
[00:08.439] It' s not a riddle rán ér zhè sī háo bú shì yī chǎng mí zōng
[00:12.443] but a forced disappearance ér shì yǒu yù móu de bèi pò xiāo wáng shì jiàn
[00:14.643] Please mind your own business, just let sleeping dogs lie bié duō guǎn xián shì le, ràng zāo pò yǒng yuǎn dàng rán wú cún ba
[00:18.643] Lily: bǎi hé, xiàng zhēng zhe jiān zhēn shèng jié, zài zhōng yōng shè huì réng bǎo liú yī sī gè xìng tài dù hé dú lì rén gé de qún tǐ
[00:21.088] Forgotten Lily fade away cái xiāo shì bù jiǔ de Lily jiù zhè yàng bèi rén qún yí wàng
[00:23.837] No one even knows her name lián tā wēi bù zú dào de xìng míng yě bèi cóng jì yì zhōng shān qù
[00:26.587] Once a holy blooming flower céng jīng shèng jié ào gǔ zhàn fàng de tā
[00:28.588] Spoiled and eliminated rú jīn bèi jiàn tà yǔ mǒ qù
[00:31.887] The hard men act like buffalo rú yě niú yì bān yú dùn yàn sù de wū hé zhī zhòng
[00:34.341] Trample her uniqueness tuī bō zhù lán cǎi tà zhe tā nà réng bǎo chí dú lì zì wǒ de jiān zhēn rén gé
[00:36.839] Neither selfishness nor a thorn can threaten their way tā men shuō rén suǒ yōng yǒu de zì wǒ hé fēng máng zhǐ huì zǔ ài tā men jiàn shè zhōng yōng de shì jiè
[00:40.591] Sensation of Future being suppressed a tā gǎn shòu dào wèi lái jiāng bèi tā men céng céng bō xuē
[00:46.837] Stuck in the mud xiàng yǒng yuǎn kùn chǔ zài zāng xī xī de yū ní zhōng wú kě fān shēn
[00:47.887] Forced to be routine bèi tā men qiǎng pò yāo qiú chéng wéi yí gè mò shǒu chéng guī háo wú gè xìng de rén
[00:49.838] Swallowed in their voices bèi tuò qì tūn mò zài màn yán de kōng qì zhōng
[00:50.337] Sensation of Leaving no regrets a tā jué de bù néng jiù zhè yàng wǎng dù yú shēng liú xià yí hàn
[00:53.587] Escape Run away Jailbreak And cross highways tā shì zhe zhèng tuō táo wáng fān yuè lán zhāng
[00:56.540] Caught by the masses què hái shì bèi yú mèi de dà zhòng bǔ huò
[00:58.486] Ravage her remaining old fragrance kuáng wàng dé xiào zhe yì qǐ bō duó tā" bù jū yī gé" de cán hái
[01:19.487] Lily' s gonna gonna gonna Lily jí jiāng jiù yào xiāo wáng
[01:21.436] Gone to hell xiàn rù wú dǐ dòng
[01:23.940] Never again alive zài wú yī xiàn shēng jī
[01:26.102] It' s god' s will yú mèi de dà zhòng què tán xiào fēng shēng shuō zhe
[01:27.855] The mob they said that she never again alive tā de xiāo wáng shì shén de yì zhǐ
[01:30.558] But I want her home dàn wǒ duō me duō me kě wàng tā néng xiǎng hěn xiǎng hěn xiǎng ràng tā huí jiā
[01:32.561] The hell gāi sǐ de nǐ zhī dào ma
[01:33.808] She' s fairest to my soul tā de xìn yǎng shì ràng wǒ réng dài zhe zì jǐ líng hún cún huó de wéi yī zhuī qiú le
[01:41.307] Her funeral becomes social waste rén men zhòu mà zhe wèi shí me yào jǔ xíng tā de zàng lǐ làng fèi shè huì zī yuán
[01:43.811] Bloody flower' s on the ground xiě lín lín de huā bàn tǎng luò zài dì shàng
[01:46.311] Public discussion' s turning into carnival kàn dào kě guān de jié jú rè yì zhōng rén men zhōng yú ān dìng le xīn kāi shǐ kuáng huān wǔ dǎo
[01:51.252] Draw throngs here, pretending to pray xīn lǐ àn zì huān xǐ de wū hé zhī zhòng què jiǎ zhuāng réng zài wèi tā qí dǎo
[01:53.850] Oh how I wish to pray a wǒ duō xī wàng zhēn de néng wéi tā qián chéng qí dǎo
[01:56.249] Regretting not her sacrifice but we got lost in choking air dào bú shì yí hàn tā de sǐ wáng ér shì wǎn xī zài zhè zhì xī de kōng qì zhōng zài wú fǎ róng nà shí me gè xìng rén gé le
[02:00.499] Sensation of future being suppressed a wǒ gǎn shòu dào wèi lái jiāng bèi tā men céng céng bō xuē
[02:05.999] Stuck in the mud xiàng yǒng yuǎn kùn chǔ zài zāng xī xī de yū ní zhōng wú kě fān shēn
[02:07.250] Forced to be routine bèi tā men qiǎng pò yāo qiú chéng wéi yí gè mò shǒu chéng guī háo wú gè xìng de rén
[02:08.499] Swallowed in their voices bèi tuò qì tūn mò zài màn yán de kōng qì zhōng
[02:09.999] Sensation of leaving no regrets a wǒ jué de bù néng jiù zhè yàng wǎng dù yú shēng liú xià yí hàn
[02:12.250] Escape Run away Jailbreak And cross highways shì zhe zhèng tuō táo wáng fān yuè lán zhāng
[02:15.999] Caught by the masses què hái shì bèi yú mèi de dà zhòng bǔ huò
[02:17.250] Ravage my remaining old fragrance kuáng wàng dé xiào zhe yì qǐ bō duó wǒ" bù jū yī gé" de cán hái
[02:38.198] Lily' s gonna gonna gonna Lily jí jiāng jiù yào xiāo wáng
[02:40.949] Gone to hell xiàn rù wú dǐ dòng
[02:43.200] Never again alive zài wú yī xiàn shēng jī
[02:45.700] It' s god' s will yú mèi de dà zhòng què tán xiào fēng shēng shuō zhe
[02:46.451] The mob they said that she never again alive tā de xiāo wáng shì shén de yì zhǐ
[02:49.700] But I want her home dàn wǒ duō me duō me kě wàng tā néng xiǎng hěn xiǎng hěn xiǎng ràng tā huí jiā
[02:51.700] The hell gāi sǐ de nǐ zhī dào ma
[02:52.948] She' s fairest to my soul tā de xìn yǎng shì ràng wǒ réng dài zhe zì jǐ líng hún cún huó de wéi yī zhuī qiú le
[03:00.452] cháng cháng de lù a tā jiù yào dào jìn tóu
[03:10.452] nà gū niáng yǐ jīng shì bái fà cāng cāng
[03:16.452] qǔ zì pǔ shù bái huà lín
[03:18.948] Where Is Lily
[03:25.199] Where Is Lily
[03:29.949] Where Is Lil' y
[03:40.452] páng bái shè huì de lì chǎng:
[03:43.449] Please mind your own business, let sleeping dogs lie bié duō guǎn xián shì le, ràng zāo pò yǒng yuǎn dàng rán wú cún ba
[03:50.451] The trial resulted in her being sentenced to death permanently shěn pàn jié guǒ yǐ jīng chū lái le tā jiāng bèi pàn chǔ wú qī tú xíng de xiāo wáng
[03:55.200] Has anyone got any objection to this? shuí hái yǒu yì yì ma?
[03:59.950] Me
Where Is Lily Lyrics
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