From a dark part of this realm a light so pure shines. |
Through the garden a spirit fades slowly into the night. |
In this foggy atmosphere where shadows are keeping alive, |
the almighty is rising more infernal than the putrid fire. |
Unfolding under all the skies his magestic wings, |
for an other decade, the battle, obscurity wins. |
In this new dawn of eternal hellish flames, |
darker and stronger awaking the king of chaos. |
Awakening in spiritual madness, the breath of insanity enthroned with sadness. |
A rebirth of blasphemy, in the kingdom is standing the greatest magesty. |
As a cold wind of perpetual winter, the mortal season will be held forever. |
As the silhoutte of the filthy shadows are dancing on the blood red river. |
The call of evil is whispering through the realm leaving a breath of intense insanity. |
In this dark night which inspires blaphemy a great moon has awaken on this land of pain. |
A burning star is falling from the skies announcing the coming of an age of darkness. |
In fury, the suffering slaves are screaming imploring the forgiveness of their lord. |
On their knees the lambs are crying for their own fate, this funeral existence is merely pain. |
Blinded by the obscure veil of evil, the souls damned by this nightmare are frozen. |
Reflected into the paths of eternity, echoed are the smiles and the laughters of the black souls. |
Feel the insanity of this opaque obscurity and feel the wrath of the demons, madness is invoked with infamy. |
Macabre symphonies whispering through this blackened hell with a touch of evil these melodies will forever dwell. |
As a haze invisible to the eyes of this world this insidious chant is cursing with its heretic words. |
As the skies are returning to darkness all my hidden desires of evil are attracted by the mooon. |
From far away are coming the echoes in deformed fragments of lucidity the images of my ancient memories. |