nv er chu jia

nv er chu jia Lyrics

Song 女儿出嫁
Artist 欧牧优诺
Album 阿莫尼惹
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作词 : 彝族民歌
作曲 : 彝族民歌
07.Daughter’s Wedding
Mother’s dear Daughter,
You are a beauty born and raised in my hometown,
But now you will be married to a new place.
Daughter feels anxious.
Slender bamboos are grown in my hometown,
But their leaves fall down in other places.
The beautiful mountains stand in front of my home,
But their shadows are reflected in other places.
The clear spring water starts from my home,
But it flows to a different place.
The crowd sent for the bride has arrived,
And the water splashed by sisiters cannot stop them.
Sisters’smearing the black on their faces cannot prevent them, either.
The cousins sent for the bride has arrived,
Brother’s wrestle with them cannot prevent them.
Nor can sisters’ wedding weep.
 Brother carried his sister out of her bedroom,
And they felt it hard to depart.
The Sister’s wedding weep melody sounded sad and bitter.
They really felt it hard to bid farewell.
Brother helped Sister ride on the horse.
She expressed her gratitude to him for lifelong care.
When the newly-married bride was leaving the fire pool,
The Fu Lu Spirit around the pot area became a memory.
When the newly-married bride stepped out of the room,
The threshold became a memory.
When the newly-married bride passed by the field,
The Land Spirit was became a memory.
When newly-married bride crossed the downhill,
The spirits of flowers and fruits arrived for protection.
When the newly-married bride crossed the brook,
Fish and shrimps arrived to invite her to stay.
And the Roe deers passing by the valleys also arrived to invite her to stay.
Why should Daughter leave home for another new place?
The moment entered the door of the husband’s family,
All people around were strangers.
There were thousands of parents sitting around the fire pool,
But my parents were not present.
Daughter couldn’t help feeling homesick.
After entering the door of the husband’s family,
Stay whether it was good,
Or it was bad.
The bide’s escort, brothers and relatives,
Would return home in three days’ time.
Only Mother’s daughter would be left behind alone.
She had to adapt herself to the strangeness,
And she had to adapt herself to the hard farm work,
And bad weather, as well.
When the bide became a member of husband’s family,
She had to put up with hardships.
For her own future’s sake,
She had to build her home just like birds did.
She had to hide her feelings of homesickness.
She was looking forward the wild geese flying across the sky,
Ans then she could go back home to pay her parents a visit.
ꌊꑷꀊ ꀉꂿꅩꌺꑋꀑ ꌊꑷ
ꌊꑷꀊ ꅩꎔꉨꃅꐥ ꅩꍞꊿꃅꉛꀒꀑ ꌊꑷ
ꌊꑷ ꅩꌺꉌꃀꐁꀕꁋꀑ ꌊꑷ
ꌊꑷꀊ ꂷꎔꉪꃅꋦ ꂷꏽꌗꃅꅐꆹꃲꀒ ꌊꑷ
ꌊꑷ ꁧꎔꉪꃅꐥ ꁧꒉꊽꃅꐚꎧꃰꀑ ꌊꑷ
ꌊꑷꀊ ꒉꎔꉪꃅꒉ ꒉꀕꊽꃅꈖꆹꃲꀑ ꌊꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꃶꋦꌐꋦꇁꄮꑟ
ꌋꑷ ꅫꃀꌱꃀꒉꐂꇿꀋꄿꀉ ꅫꃀꌱꃀꑌꑍꑌꀋꄿꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꃶꋦꌐꋦꇁꄮꑟ
ꌋꑷ ꂛꊨꃅꌺꇝꑌꇝꀋꄿ ꍀꃀꑋꂵꉨꑌꉩꀋꄿꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꂛꊨꃅꌺꅩꁠꅪꄒꃅꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꂛꊨꅫꃀꈌꑣꃢꀋꄿꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꍀꃀꅩꂵꉨꀕꉩꀋꄿꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꍀꃀꅩꂵꈾꑣꉆꀋꄐꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꂛꊨꃅꌺꅩꄏꃅꆷꋩꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꂛꊨꅫꃀꈾꑣꇽꀋꄐꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꅩꌺꈁꁌꁧꑭꄑ
ꇪꇇꍃꁨꅩꁠꇁꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷꀊ ꅩꌺꑳꐂꇁ
ꇵꄳꅍꐋꅩꁠꇁꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꅪꌺꁧꀋꈴ
ꆿꇁꊵꒊꅩꁠꇁꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꅩꌺꁧꀋꈴ
ꁧꀑ ꌩꃨꇐꃨꅩꁠꇁꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꅩꌺꇬꄉꐂ
ꉬꌺꎵꒊꅩꁠꇁꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꅩꌺꇉꈬꈴ
ꍶꌺꇍꌺꅩꁠꇁꀒꀐ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷꀐ ꅩꌺꊿꃅꇜꀑ ꅩꌺꈍꃅꂯꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꃪꃶꈴꆏꋓꑽꆹꄷꌒꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꅩꌺꈍꃅꊽꃅꇜꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꅩꌺꌐꅍꏾ ꊿꏣꊾꑟꇁꇚꑍꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꊽꀿꊽꃀꀉꄁꑋ ꉣꀿꉣꃀꄚꀋꑋꀒꀐ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꀿꉂꃀꉂꎷꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꅩꍞꁮꅍꏾ
ꐥꌒꀕꑌꐥ ꐥꀋꌒꀕꑋꐥꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꅩꃚꌱꃝꊿꀧꑷꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꅩꌺꀥꀋꏹꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꐥꌒꀕꑌꐥ ꐥꀋꌒꀕꑌꐥꀑꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꑘꁨꋚꑣꎷꑌꐥꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷꀐ ꅩꌺꁦꃅꂾꃅꐛꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꐥꎭꀕꑌꐥꈜꁮꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꊨꏦꊫꃆꉪꄉꐥꀐ ꆂꊪꇉꊪꊨꏦꑵꄉꐥꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꀿꉂꃀꉂꉌꃀꊪꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꈭꇁꉪꃅꈴꄮꆏꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
ꌋꑷ ꉣꀿꉣꃀꉪꆹꃲꀒꀑ ꌋꑷ
zuo ci : yi zu min ge
zuo qu : yi zu min ge
ma ma de nv er yo
mei nv zhang zai wo jia xiang
que yao jia dao yi yu ta xiang
nv er xin kong huang
xiu zhu zhang zai wo jia xiang
zhu ye que fei luo ta xiang
xiu li de shan feng zai wo jia men qian
shan ying que ying dao le ta xiang
yuan zi jia xiang de qing quan
que yao liu dao le wai xiang
jie qin de ren lai le
jie mei po shui dang bu zhu
jie mei mo hei guo hui ye dang bu zhu
jie qin de biao xiong di lai le
xiong di shuai jiao dang bu zhu
jie mei ku jia ye dang bu zhu
  ge ge bei nv chu gui fang
xiong mei qing nan she
jie mei ku jia diao you yuan
jie mei qing nan she
xiong di fu mei qi ma xing
qing jin ping sheng de he hu
xin jia niang li huo tang
guo zhuang fu lu hun lai liu lian
xin jia niang chu wu men
men kan pa ban lai liu lian
xin jia niang guo tian di
zhuang jia tu di hun lai liu lian
xin jia niang guo shan po
hua shen guo ling lai he hu
xin jia niang guo xiao he
yu xia wan ban lai xiang liu
lu guo qing zhong de zhang ji lai xiang liu
wei he nv er li xiang dao yi yu ta xiang
jin le po jia men
man yan dou shi sheng mian kong
huo tang pang fu mu qian qian wan wan
wo fu wo mu qu bu zai
si nian zhi qing nan yi zhi
jin le po jia men
hao zai ye yao zai
bu hai zai ye yao zai
xiong di qin you song qin
san tian hou fan hui jia xiang qu
ma ma de nv er bu de tong fan
ren sheng di bu shu ye yao shi ying
nong huo jian xin ye yao shi ying
qi hou e lie ye yao shi ying
xin jia niang cheng le fu jia ren
jian nan kun ku ye yao shou
wei le zi ji de qian cheng
ru niao zhu chao cheng jia ye
xiang si lian qin zhi qing ku tun fu
pan zhe da yan kong zhong guo
chun lai hui jia bai fu mu
07. Daughter' s Wedding
Mother' s dear Daughter,
You are a beauty born and raised in my hometown,
But now you will be married to a new place.
Daughter feels anxious.
Slender bamboos are grown in my hometown,
But their leaves fall down in other places.
The beautiful mountains stand in front of my home,
But their shadows are reflected in other places.
The clear spring water starts from my home,
But it flows to a different place.
The crowd sent for the bride has arrived,
And the water splashed by sisiters cannot stop them.
Sisters' smearing the black on their faces cannot prevent them, either.
The cousins sent for the bride has arrived,
Brother' s wrestle with them cannot prevent them.
Nor can sisters' wedding weep.
  Brother carried his sister out of her bedroom,
And they felt it hard to depart.
The Sister' s wedding weep melody sounded sad and bitter.
They really felt it hard to bid farewell.
Brother helped Sister ride on the horse.
She expressed her gratitude to him for lifelong care.
When the newlymarried bride was leaving the fire pool,
The Fu Lu Spirit around the pot area became a memory.
When the newlymarried bride stepped out of the room,
The threshold became a memory.
When the newlymarried bride passed by the field,
The Land Spirit was became a memory.
When newlymarried bride crossed the downhill,
The spirits of flowers and fruits arrived for protection.
When the newlymarried bride crossed the brook,
Fish and shrimps arrived to invite her to stay.
And the Roe deers passing by the valleys also arrived to invite her to stay.
Why should Daughter leave home for another new place?
The moment entered the door of the husband' s family,
All people around were strangers.
There were thousands of parents sitting around the fire pool,
But my parents were not present.
Daughter couldn' t help feeling homesick.
After entering the door of the husband' s family,
Stay whether it was good,
Or it was bad.
The bide' s escort, brothers and relatives,
Would return home in three days' time.
Only Mother' s daughter would be left behind alone.
She had to adapt herself to the strangeness,
And she had to adapt herself to the hard farm work,
And bad weather, as well.
When the bide became a member of husband' s family,
She had to put up with hardships.
For her own future' s sake,
She had to build her home just like birds did.
She had to hide her feelings of homesickness.
She was looking forward the wild geese flying across the sky,
Ans then she could go back home to pay her parents a visit.
yi wen:
zuò cí : yí zú mín gē
zuò qǔ : yí zú mín gē
mā mā de nǚ ér yō
měi nǚ zhǎng zài wǒ jiā xiāng
què yào jià dào yì yù tā xiāng
nǚ ér xīn kǒng huāng
xiū zhú zhǎng zài wǒ jiā xiāng
zhú yè què fēi luò tā xiāng
xiù lì de shān fēng zài wǒ jiā mén qián
shān yǐng què yìng dào le tā xiāng
yuán zì jiā xiāng de qīng quán
què yào liú dào le wài xiāng
jiē qīn de rén lái le
jiě mèi pō shuǐ dǎng bú zhù
jiě mèi mǒ hēi guō huī yě dǎng bú zhù
jiē qīn de biǎo xiōng dì lái le
xiōng dì shuāi jiāo dǎng bú zhù
jiě mèi kū jià yě dǎng bú zhù
  gē ge bèi nǚ chū guī fáng
xiōng mèi qíng nán shè
jiě mèi kū jià diào yōu yuàn
jiě mèi qíng nán shè
xiōng dì fú mèi qí mǎ xíng
qīng jìn píng shēng de hē hù
xīn jiā niáng lí huǒ táng
guō zhuāng fú lù hún lái liú liàn
xīn jià niáng chū wū mén
mén kǎn pá bàn lái liú liàn
xīn jià niáng guò tián dì
zhuāng jià tǔ dì hún lái liú liàn
xīn jià niáng guò shān pō
huā shén guǒ líng lái hē hù
xīn jià niáng guò xiǎo hé
yú xiā wán bàn lái xiāng liú
lù guò qìng zhōng de zhāng jǐ lái xiāng liú
wèi hé nǚ ér lí xiāng dào yì yù tā xiāng
jìn le pó jiā mén
mǎn yǎn dōu shì shēng miàn kǒng
huǒ táng páng fù mǔ qiān qiān wàn wàn
wǒ fù wǒ mǔ qù bù zài
sī niàn zhī qíng nán yì zhì
jìn le pó jiā mén
hǎo zài yě yào zài
bù hái zài yě yào zài
xiōng dì qīn yǒu sòng qīn
sān tiān hòu fǎn huí jiā xiāng qù
mā mā de nǚ ér bù dé tóng fǎn
rén shēng dì bù shú yě yào shì yìng
nóng huó jiān xīn yě yào shì yìng
qì hòu è liè yě yào shì yìng
xīn jià niáng chéng le fū jiā rén
jiān nán kùn kǔ yě yào shòu
wèi le zì jǐ de qián chéng
rú niǎo zhù cháo chéng jiā yè
xiāng sī liàn qīn zhī qíng kǔ tūn fù
pàn zhe dà yàn kōng zhōng guò
chūn lái huí jiā bài fù mǔ
07. Daughter' s Wedding
Mother' s dear Daughter,
You are a beauty born and raised in my hometown,
But now you will be married to a new place.
Daughter feels anxious.
Slender bamboos are grown in my hometown,
But their leaves fall down in other places.
The beautiful mountains stand in front of my home,
But their shadows are reflected in other places.
The clear spring water starts from my home,
But it flows to a different place.
The crowd sent for the bride has arrived,
And the water splashed by sisiters cannot stop them.
Sisters' smearing the black on their faces cannot prevent them, either.
The cousins sent for the bride has arrived,
Brother' s wrestle with them cannot prevent them.
Nor can sisters' wedding weep.
  Brother carried his sister out of her bedroom,
And they felt it hard to depart.
The Sister' s wedding weep melody sounded sad and bitter.
They really felt it hard to bid farewell.
Brother helped Sister ride on the horse.
She expressed her gratitude to him for lifelong care.
When the newlymarried bride was leaving the fire pool,
The Fu Lu Spirit around the pot area became a memory.
When the newlymarried bride stepped out of the room,
The threshold became a memory.
When the newlymarried bride passed by the field,
The Land Spirit was became a memory.
When newlymarried bride crossed the downhill,
The spirits of flowers and fruits arrived for protection.
When the newlymarried bride crossed the brook,
Fish and shrimps arrived to invite her to stay.
And the Roe deers passing by the valleys also arrived to invite her to stay.
Why should Daughter leave home for another new place?
The moment entered the door of the husband' s family,
All people around were strangers.
There were thousands of parents sitting around the fire pool,
But my parents were not present.
Daughter couldn' t help feeling homesick.
After entering the door of the husband' s family,
Stay whether it was good,
Or it was bad.
The bide' s escort, brothers and relatives,
Would return home in three days' time.
Only Mother' s daughter would be left behind alone.
She had to adapt herself to the strangeness,
And she had to adapt herself to the hard farm work,
And bad weather, as well.
When the bide became a member of husband' s family,
She had to put up with hardships.
For her own future' s sake,
She had to build her home just like birds did.
She had to hide her feelings of homesickness.
She was looking forward the wild geese flying across the sky,
Ans then she could go back home to pay her parents a visit.
yí wén:
女儿出嫁 nv er chu jia Lyrics
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