Song | Profondeur De L'ame |
Artist | Dark Sanctuary |
Album | L'etres Las-L'envers Du Miroir |
Download | Image LRC TXT |
Au-delà de toute tristesse | |
De tout mépris... | |
La douleur ineffable, | |
Qu'est la mélancolie... | |
Rampe dans le cœur des mortels... | |
Des survivants de l'oubli... | |
Traverse l'âme blessée, | |
Mortifiée par la foi... | |
Telle une lame affilée, | |
Goûtant la chair trahie... | |
C'est de ce fruit qu'il goûta, | |
...Dont il apprécia la chair... | |
Et ce sont les esprits hantés, | |
Qui rôdent désormais... | |
Auprès d'une âme usée, | |
Partant à la dérive... | |
Rejoignant les trépassés, | |
Les immortels assoiffés... | |
D'une trop longue attente... | |
D'une si grande mésentente... | |
D'un si grand mépris de leur dieu... | |
Qui les regarde moisir... | |
Désirant régner sans entrailles, | |
Ni viscères... | |
Le Mortel regrette son avènement | |
Se venge grâce à la mort... | |
Au-delà de toute réalité | |
Ephémère... | |
[Translation] | |
[Deep Sadness] | |
[Music by Arkdae, Lyrics by Sombre Cÿr] | |
Beyond any sadness | |
Any scorn... | |
The ineffable pain, | |
Which melancholy is... | |
Creeps in the heart of mortals... | |
Of those who outlived oblivion... | |
Passes across the hurted soul, | |
Mortified by faith... | |
As a sharp blade | |
Tasting betrayed flesh... | |
He tasted this fruit... | |
And enjoyed its flesh... | |
And now the haunted spirits | |
Are prowling around... | |
Around an exhausted soul, | |
That is fading away... | |
Rejoining those passed, | |
The thirsty immortals... | |
Who have been waiting for too long... | |
Who have been so much misunderstood... | |
So much despised by their god... | |
Who watches them rot... | |
Wanting to reign without entrails, | |
Nor viscera... | |
The mortal regrets his advent, | |
Has his revenge through death... | |
Beyond any ephemeral reality... | |
[Translated from french by Aries] |
Audela de toute tristesse | |
De tout me pris... | |
La douleur ineffable, | |
Qu' est la me lancolie... | |
Rampe dans le c ur des mortels... | |
Des survivants de l' oubli... | |
Traverse l' me blesse e, | |
Mortifie e par la foi... | |
Telle une lame affile e, | |
Go tant la chair trahie... | |
C' est de ce fruit qu' il go ta, | |
... Dont il appre cia la chair... | |
Et ce sont les esprits hante s, | |
Qui r dent de sormais... | |
Aupre s d' une me use e, | |
Partant a la de rive... | |
Rejoignant les tre passe s, | |
Les immortels assoiffe s... | |
D' une trop longue attente... | |
D' une si grande me sentente... | |
D' un si grand me pris de leur dieu... | |
Qui les regarde moisir... | |
De sirant re gner sans entrailles, | |
Ni visce res... | |
Le Mortel regrette son ave nement | |
Se venge gr ce a la mort... | |
Audela de toute re alite | |
Ephe me re... | |
Translation | |
Deep Sadness | |
Music by Arkdae, Lyrics by Sombre C r | |
Beyond any sadness | |
Any scorn... | |
The ineffable pain, | |
Which melancholy is... | |
Creeps in the heart of mortals... | |
Of those who outlived oblivion... | |
Passes across the hurted soul, | |
Mortified by faith... | |
As a sharp blade | |
Tasting betrayed flesh... | |
He tasted this fruit... | |
And enjoyed its flesh... | |
And now the haunted spirits | |
Are prowling around... | |
Around an exhausted soul, | |
That is fading away... | |
Rejoining those passed, | |
The thirsty immortals... | |
Who have been waiting for too long... | |
Who have been so much misunderstood... | |
So much despised by their god... | |
Who watches them rot... | |
Wanting to reign without entrails, | |
Nor viscera... | |
The mortal regrets his advent, | |
Has his revenge through death... | |
Beyond any ephemeral reality... | |
Translated from french by Aries |
Audelà de toute tristesse | |
De tout mé pris... | |
La douleur ineffable, | |
Qu' est la mé lancolie... | |
Rampe dans le c ur des mortels... | |
Des survivants de l' oubli... | |
Traverse l' me blessé e, | |
Mortifié e par la foi... | |
Telle une lame affilé e, | |
Go tant la chair trahie... | |
C' est de ce fruit qu' il go ta, | |
... Dont il appré cia la chair... | |
Et ce sont les esprits hanté s, | |
Qui r dent dé sormais... | |
Auprè s d' une me usé e, | |
Partant à la dé rive... | |
Rejoignant les tré passé s, | |
Les immortels assoiffé s... | |
D' une trop longue attente... | |
D' une si grande mé sentente... | |
D' un si grand mé pris de leur dieu... | |
Qui les regarde moisir... | |
Dé sirant ré gner sans entrailles, | |
Ni viscè res... | |
Le Mortel regrette son avè nement | |
Se venge gr ce à la mort... | |
Audelà de toute ré alité | |
Ephé mè re... | |
Translation | |
Deep Sadness | |
Music by Arkdae, Lyrics by Sombre C r | |
Beyond any sadness | |
Any scorn... | |
The ineffable pain, | |
Which melancholy is... | |
Creeps in the heart of mortals... | |
Of those who outlived oblivion... | |
Passes across the hurted soul, | |
Mortified by faith... | |
As a sharp blade | |
Tasting betrayed flesh... | |
He tasted this fruit... | |
And enjoyed its flesh... | |
And now the haunted spirits | |
Are prowling around... | |
Around an exhausted soul, | |
That is fading away... | |
Rejoining those passed, | |
The thirsty immortals... | |
Who have been waiting for too long... | |
Who have been so much misunderstood... | |
So much despised by their god... | |
Who watches them rot... | |
Wanting to reign without entrails, | |
Nor viscera... | |
The mortal regrets his advent, | |
Has his revenge through death... | |
Beyond any ephemeral reality... | |
Translated from french by Aries |