1. zhu ri Sun Chasing

1. 逐日 Sun Chasing
1. zhu ri Sun Chasing Lyrics

Song 1. 逐日 Sun Chasing
Artist 未濟
Album 甲-我 / 1st-Ego
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作词 : 未濟
作曲 : 未濟
ISRC: FR-10S-19-34287
北荒之野 巒嶂之巔 吾靈厚土 夸父誕焉
The moors of the north, the peak of the undulating, at which the spirit of my ancestors converged, was the place where I, Kua Fu, was born.
及吾之力 黃蛇為銜 及吾之智 旱澇弗愆
The yellow snakes were compelled to be my pendants by my strength.
The drought and flood were tamed by my wisdom.
羲和無道 炙陽無息 涂吾嶺壠 炭吾澗溪
Not having comprehended the laws of the nature, Xi He free the sun of regulation.
The sun burned my ridges and valleys, scorched my streams and creeks.
及吾之軀 逐日以驅 及吾之命 黃垂以禦
With my body, I was willing to chase the sun and expel it.
With my life, I was willing to defend our young and old.
昏曉之車 自東海出 別吾儕輩 離吾部族
The wagon partitioning the darkness and brightness rose upon the east ocean.
Having bid farewell to my peers, I left my tribe for the journey.
駿車飛馳 脛股奔襲 厚土為榻 漿果充饑
The wagon was flying at a speed beyond imagination, while my legs were running as fast as they can be.
The earth was my bed and the wild berries were my food.
及吾入日 焦渴不已 飲於河渭 焦渴不辟
As I entered the range of the sun, the feeling of thirst could not help coming forth.
Having exhausted the water in He and Wei, I still could not get rid of the thirst.
轉輾北行 欲飲大澤 肱尺不逮 氣竭魂疴
I wandered to the north and wished to quench my thirst in Da Ze.
My legs failed to catch up, thereafter I breathed my last.
路未至 道渴而死 棄其杖 化為鄧林
The journey was not finished, but I died due to thirst.
I threw away my cane and it grew into a forest.
羲和無道 炙陽無息 塗吾嶺隴 炭吾澗溪
Not having comprehended the laws of the nature, Xi He free the sun of regulation.
The sun burned my ridges and valleys, scorched my streams and creeks.
及吾之軀 逐日以驅 及吾之命 黃垂以禦
With my body, I was willing to chase the sun and expel it.
With my life, I was willing to defend our young and old.
陣容 Cast
Vocal: JWP
Guitar: JWP
Bass: JWP
Drum: JWP
Zheng: JWP
Lyrics: JWP
Translation: JWP
Vocal: JWP
Background Vocal: JWP
Guitar: JWP
Bass: Cat
VST Instrument: JWP
Track Editing: Nye
Mixing: Nye
Mastering: Nye
Executive Producer: JWP
zuo ci : wei ji
zuo qu : wei ji
ISRC: FR10S1934287
bei huang zhi ye luan zhang zhi dian wu ling hou tu kua fu dan yan
The moors of the north, the peak of the undulating, at which the spirit of my ancestors converged, was the place where I, Kua Fu, was born.
ji wu zhi li huang she wei xian ji wu zhi zhi han lao fu qian
The yellow snakes were compelled to be my pendants by my strength.
The drought and flood were tamed by my wisdom.
xi he wu dao zhi yang wu xi tu wu ling long tan wu jian xi
Not having comprehended the laws of the nature, Xi He free the sun of regulation.
The sun burned my ridges and valleys, scorched my streams and creeks.
ji wu zhi qu zhu ri yi qu ji wu zhi ming huang chui yi yu
With my body, I was willing to chase the sun and expel it.
With my life, I was willing to defend our young and old.
hun xiao zhi che zi dong hai chu bie wu chai bei li wu bu zu
The wagon partitioning the darkness and brightness rose upon the east ocean.
Having bid farewell to my peers, I left my tribe for the journey.
jun che fei chi jing gu ben xi hou tu wei ta jiang guo chong ji
The wagon was flying at a speed beyond imagination, while my legs were running as fast as they can be.
The earth was my bed and the wild berries were my food.
ji wu ru ri jiao ke bu yi yin yu he wei jiao ke bu pi
As I entered the range of the sun, the feeling of thirst could not help coming forth.
Having exhausted the water in He and Wei, I still could not get rid of the thirst.
zhuan zhan bei xing yu yin da ze gong chi bu dai qi jie hun ke
I wandered to the north and wished to quench my thirst in Da Ze.
My legs failed to catch up, thereafter I breathed my last.
lu wei zhi dao ke er si qi qi zhang hua wei deng lin
The journey was not finished, but I died due to thirst.
I threw away my cane and it grew into a forest.
xi he wu dao zhi yang wu xi tu wu ling long tan wu jian xi
Not having comprehended the laws of the nature, Xi He free the sun of regulation.
The sun burned my ridges and valleys, scorched my streams and creeks.
ji wu zhi qu zhu ri yi qu ji wu zhi ming huang chui yi yu
With my body, I was willing to chase the sun and expel it.
With my life, I was willing to defend our young and old.
zhen rong Cast
bian qu:
ren sheng: duo chuan zhi mu
ji ta: duo chuan zhi mu
bei si: duo chuan zhi mu
gu: duo chuan zhi mu
gu zheng: duo chuan zhi mu
te xiao: duo chuan zhi mu
Vocal: JWP
Guitar: JWP
Bass: JWP
Drum: JWP
Zheng: JWP
zuo ci: duo chuan zhi mu
fan yi: duo chuan zhi mu
Lyrics: JWP
Translation: JWP
lu zhi:
ren sheng: duo chuan zhi mu
he sheng: duo chuan zhi mu
ji ta: duo chuan zhi mu
bei si: mao
VST le qi: duo chuan zhi mu
Vocal: JWP
Background Vocal: JWP
Guitar: JWP
Bass: Cat
VST Instrument: JWP
gui dao bian ji: li li
hun yin: li li
mu dai: li li
jian zhi: duo chuan zhi mu
Track Editing: Nye
Mixing: Nye
Mastering: Nye
Executive Producer: JWP
zuò cí : wèi jì
zuò qǔ : wèi jì
ISRC: FR10S1934287
běi huāng zhī yě luán zhàng zhī diān wú líng hòu tǔ kuā fù dàn yān
The moors of the north, the peak of the undulating, at which the spirit of my ancestors converged, was the place where I, Kua Fu, was born.
jí wú zhī lì huáng shé wèi xián jí wú zhī zhì hàn lào fú qiān
The yellow snakes were compelled to be my pendants by my strength.
The drought and flood were tamed by my wisdom.
xī hé wú dào zhì yáng wú xī tú wú lǐng lǒng tàn wú jiàn xī
Not having comprehended the laws of the nature, Xi He free the sun of regulation.
The sun burned my ridges and valleys, scorched my streams and creeks.
jí wú zhī qū zhú rì yǐ qū jí wú zhī mìng huáng chuí yǐ yù
With my body, I was willing to chase the sun and expel it.
With my life, I was willing to defend our young and old.
hūn xiǎo zhī chē zì dōng hǎi chū bié wú chái bèi lí wú bù zú
The wagon partitioning the darkness and brightness rose upon the east ocean.
Having bid farewell to my peers, I left my tribe for the journey.
jùn chē fēi chí jìng gǔ bēn xí hòu tǔ wèi tà jiāng guǒ chōng jī
The wagon was flying at a speed beyond imagination, while my legs were running as fast as they can be.
The earth was my bed and the wild berries were my food.
jí wú rù rì jiāo kě bù yǐ yǐn yú hé wèi jiāo kě bù pì
As I entered the range of the sun, the feeling of thirst could not help coming forth.
Having exhausted the water in He and Wei, I still could not get rid of the thirst.
zhuǎn zhǎn běi xíng yù yǐn dà zé gōng chǐ bù dǎi qì jié hún kē
I wandered to the north and wished to quench my thirst in Da Ze.
My legs failed to catch up, thereafter I breathed my last.
lù wèi zhì dào kě ér sǐ qì qí zhàng huà wèi dèng lín
The journey was not finished, but I died due to thirst.
I threw away my cane and it grew into a forest.
xī hé wú dào zhì yáng wú xī tú wú lǐng lǒng tàn wú jiàn xī
Not having comprehended the laws of the nature, Xi He free the sun of regulation.
The sun burned my ridges and valleys, scorched my streams and creeks.
jí wú zhī qū zhú rì yǐ qū jí wú zhī mìng huáng chuí yǐ yù
With my body, I was willing to chase the sun and expel it.
With my life, I was willing to defend our young and old.
zhèn róng Cast
biān qū:
rén shēng: duō chuǎn zhī mù
jí tā: duō chuǎn zhī mù
bèi sī: duō chuǎn zhī mù
gǔ: duō chuǎn zhī mù
gǔ zhēng: duō chuǎn zhī mù
tè xiào: duō chuǎn zhī mù
Vocal: JWP
Guitar: JWP
Bass: JWP
Drum: JWP
Zheng: JWP
zuò cí: duō chuǎn zhī mù
fān yì: duō chuǎn zhī mù
Lyrics: JWP
Translation: JWP
lù zhì:
rén shēng: duō chuǎn zhī mù
hé shēng: duō chuǎn zhī mù
jí tā: duō chuǎn zhī mù
bèi sī: māo
VST lè qì: duō chuǎn zhī mù
Vocal: JWP
Background Vocal: JWP
Guitar: JWP
Bass: Cat
VST Instrument: JWP
guǐ dào biān jí: lǐ lì
hùn yīn: lǐ lì
mǔ dài: lǐ lì
jiān zhì: duō chuǎn zhī mù
Track Editing: Nye
Mixing: Nye
Mastering: Nye
Executive Producer: JWP
1. 逐日 Sun Chasing 1. zhu ri Sun Chasing Lyrics
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