Song | Köyliönjärven jäällä (Pakanavedet II) |
Artist | Moonsorrow |
Album | Suden Uni |
Saapui hän, sanansaattaja käännytetyn kansan totuuttansa opettamaan meille vääräuskoisille. | |
Uhattuna kirvestänsä teroittamaan talonpoika - puolesta metsien, järvien, säästyneiden veljiensä. (voittajansa) | |
Korvansa kavaluudelle ymmärtämättömät antoivat; | |
Lalli näki orjan taivaan ja katseensa sokaisi. | |
Pian kirveensä harhailijan yön sydämessä yllätti, oli veriselle järven jäälle päättyvä ristin taival... " | |
Vaan pian rantautui lännestä satoja laivoja, tuhansia heitä, jotka saapuivat piispaa kostamaan. | |
Lukuisten vuosien kuluessa, tahtonaan n–yryyden juurruttaminen viimeiseen pakanakansaan he sääliä tuntematta mursivat sitkeän vastarinnan voimallisilla aseillaan. | |
Viimeisin pyhimyksensä | |
Henrik alttarille nostatettiin, ja verityö, suomalaisten tukahdutettu vapauden huuto, pakotettiin häpeään." (kohtalonsa) | |
Niin anastettiin kunnia sankarilta rohkealta, mieheltä rehelliseltä, suoraselkäiseltä. | |
Valheilla he kansamme uskoonsa pakottivat, vaan jäätä järven | |
Köyliön he eivät murtaa saata. [English translation:] [ON THE ICE OF KÖYLIÖNJÄRVI (PAGAN WATERS II)] | |
And he arrived, the messenger of his converted people to teach this heretic folk his tellings of a divine truth. | |
Feeling threatened, a simple peasant rushed to sharpen his axe - to defend the forests, the lakes, his brothers from an unseen fate. (their vanquisher) | |
Their ears to treachery those of less understanding lent; | |
Lalli saw the heaven for slaves and thus blinded his sight. | |
Soon in the heart of night his axe took a rover by surprise, to a pond of blood on ice the path of the cross was to end... " | |
But soon there were hundreds of ships landing from the west, thousands of them who came to avenge the bishop's death. | |
In the course of numerous years, to imprint humility within the last pagan folk as their will they without pity broke the persistent resistance with their powerful arms. | |
Henrik, now canonized, was raised onto the altar, and the slaying, the repressed cry for freedom of the | |
Finnish, was forced to disgrace." (their destiny) | |
Thus wrongfully was assumed the honour from a warrior, from a man of rightfulness, a defender of sincerity. | |
By forcefeeding lies they compelled our folk to their faith, but the ice of | |
Köyliönjärvi they can never break. |
Saapui h n, sanansaattaja k nnytetyn kansan totuuttansa opettamaan meille v r uskoisille. | |
Uhattuna kirvest ns teroittamaan talonpoika puolesta metsien, j rvien, s styneiden veljiens. voittajansa | |
Korvansa kavaluudelle ymm rt m tt m t antoivat | |
Lalli n ki orjan taivaan ja katseensa sokaisi. | |
Pian kirveens harhailijan y n syd mess yll tti, oli veriselle j rven j lle p ttyv ristin taival... " | |
Vaan pian rantautui l nnest satoja laivoja, tuhansia heit, jotka saapuivat piispaa kostamaan. | |
Lukuisten vuosien kuluessa, tahtonaan n yryyden juurruttaminen viimeiseen pakanakansaan he s li tuntematta mursivat sitke n vastarinnan voimallisilla aseillaan. | |
Viimeisin pyhimyksens | |
Henrik alttarille nostatettiin, ja verity, suomalaisten tukahdutettu vapauden huuto, pakotettiin h pe n." kohtalonsa | |
Niin anastettiin kunnia sankarilta rohkealta, miehelt rehelliselt, suoraselk iselt. | |
Valheilla he kansamme uskoonsa pakottivat, vaan j t j rven | |
K yli n he eiv t murtaa saata. English translation: ON THE ICE OF K YLI NJ RVI PAGAN WATERS II | |
And he arrived, the messenger of his converted people to teach this heretic folk his tellings of a divine truth. | |
Feeling threatened, a simple peasant rushed to sharpen his axe to defend the forests, the lakes, his brothers from an unseen fate. their vanquisher | |
Their ears to treachery those of less understanding lent | |
Lalli saw the heaven for slaves and thus blinded his sight. | |
Soon in the heart of night his axe took a rover by surprise, to a pond of blood on ice the path of the cross was to end... " | |
But soon there were hundreds of ships landing from the west, thousands of them who came to avenge the bishop' s death. | |
In the course of numerous years, to imprint humility within the last pagan folk as their will they without pity broke the persistent resistance with their powerful arms. | |
Henrik, now canonized, was raised onto the altar, and the slaying, the repressed cry for freedom of the | |
Finnish, was forced to disgrace." their destiny | |
Thus wrongfully was assumed the honour from a warrior, from a man of rightfulness, a defender of sincerity. | |
By forcefeeding lies they compelled our folk to their faith, but the ice of | |
K yli nj rvi they can never break. |