yi nian you yi nian Year after Year

Song 一年又一年Year after Year
Artist 陈添
Album 一年又一年Year after Year


[00:00.000] 作词 : 陳添
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 陳添
[00:10.950] Planning策划 马敏婕Minjie Ma
[00:12.951] 编曲Arrangement 陈添C.T.
[00:16.130] 制谱Score 马巍Wei Ma
[00:18.216] 翻译Translation 陈添C.T.
[00:23.471] 英文顾问English Consultant M.Chen
[00:36.714] 你在东非的铁路看角马
[00:40.213] Beside the East Africa railway you look at the wildebeests
[00:43.724] 奔向远方的坦桑尼亚
[00:47.218] Rushing to the far away Tanzania
[00:51.221] 你在印度洋的北岸铸港
[00:53.063] At the north shore of Indian Ocean you casting harbor
[00:58.564] 为人们带来希望之花
[01:00.560] Bring local people flowers of hope
[01:05.564] 东南亚的马六甲
[01:09.564] At the Malacca in Southeast Asia
[01:13.063] 海流过分开了马来西亚
[01:16.806] Separated Malaysia ocean flows
[01:20.640] 你坐在完工的摩天大厦
[01:24.138] You sit in the completed skyscraper
[01:27.891] 面朝家乡看夕阳西下
[01:31.634] Facing to hometown seeing the sunset westward
[01:34.889] 无论走过了多少文明
[01:37.139] No matter how many civilizations gone through
[01:38.885] 这一天都会回到中华
[01:40.638] On this day it’s China you will return to
[01:42.635] 无论去到了多少国家
[01:44.382] No matter how many countries have been to
[01:45.888] 这一天都会回家
[01:49.886] On this day you will come back home
[01:51.496] 哪怕在远方的唐人街啊
[01:52.493] Even in the Chinatown far away
[01:53.493] 那里一定有我们的同胞吧
[01:55.353] There must be our compatriots
[01:56.356] 不同的大洲不同的季节呀
[01:57.358] Different continents different seasons
[01:59.109] 一样的饺子啊
[02:00.857] But the same Dumplings
[02:41.092] 你在安大略的湖面泊船
[02:44.846] On Ontario you moor on lake surface
[02:48.590] 等假期结束重返温哥华
[02:52.088] Waiting the end of holiday return to Vancouver
[02:55.845] 你在墨尔本的中央车站
[02:59.598] In front of the Melbourne's Central Station you stand
[03:03.342] 等同事一起出差堪培拉
[03:06.841] Waiting for colleagues to set out to Canberra
[03:10.594] 剑桥静静的桥下
[03:12.345] Under the Cambridge's quiet bridge
[03:14.096] 你和书内外的大师对谈吧
[03:15.712] You talk to masters inside and outside the book
[03:16.708] 金色的维也纳
[03:17.708] At the golden Vienna
[03:19.714] 全世界的朋友聆听你的芳华
[03:21.461] Friends all over the world are listening your youth
[03:23.960] 无论走过多少文明
[03:24.960] No matter how many civilizations have gone through
[03:27.955] 这一天都会回到中华
[03:28.458] On this day it's China you will come back to
[03:31.453] 无论去到了多少国家
[03:32.460] No matter how many countries have been to
[03:34.960] 这一天都会回家
[03:37.954] On this day it’s home you will return to
[03:39.713] 哪怕在远方的唐人街啊
[03:41.464] Even in the Chinatown far away
[03:43.458] 那里一定有我们的同胞吧
[03:44.457] There must be our compatriots
[03:45.463] 不同的大洲不同的季节呀
[03:47.211] Different continents different seasons
[03:48.962] 一样的春联啊
[03:50.713] The same Spring Couplets
[03:53.551] 无论你走过多少文明
[03:56.304] No matter how many civilazations you have gone through
[03:57.295] 这一天也会回到中华
[03:58.298] On this day it‘s China you will come back to
[04:01.049] 无论走过了多少国家
[04:02.054] No matter how many countries you have been to
[04:04.047] 这一天你都会回家
[04:05.799] On this day it‘s home you will return to
[04:08.551] 哪怕你还在远方唐人街啊
[04:09.551] Even in the Chinatowns far away
[04:11.550] 身边一定有我们的同胞吧
[04:13.296] There must be our compatriots
[04:16.049] 不同的大洲不同的季节呀
[04:17.048] Different continents different seasons
[04:18.893] 一样炎黄的子孙啊
[04:20.645] The same YanHuang’s Descendants
[04:22.392] 一样的饺子啊
[04:23.393] The same Dumplings
[04:24.396] 一样的春联啊
[04:25.903] The same Spring Couplets
[04:41.142] 一年又一年
[04:43.147] Year after Year
[04:44.898] 无论是否回家
[04:46.891] Whatever return or not
[04:48.758] 此时共天涯
[04:50.751] We enjoy the skyline at the sametime
[04:56.255] 一年又一年
[04:58.252] Year after Year
[04:59.999] 无论是否回家
[05:01.747] Whatever return home or not
[05:03.589] 我们都是一个家
[05:06.453] We are all one family
[05:11.201] 我们都是一个家
[05:15.460] For one family We are


[00:00.000] zuò cí : chén tiān
[00:01.000] zuò qǔ : chén tiān
[00:10.950] Planning cè huà mǎ mǐn jié Minjie Ma
[00:12.951] biān qǔ Arrangement chén tiān C. T.
[00:16.130] zhì pǔ Score mǎ wēi Wei Ma
[00:18.216] fān yì Translation chén tiān C. T.
[00:23.471] yīng wén gù wèn English Consultant M. Chen
[00:36.714] nǐ zài dōng fēi de tiě lù kàn jiǎo mǎ
[00:40.213] Beside the East Africa railway you look at the wildebeests
[00:43.724] bēn xiàng yuǎn fāng de tǎn sāng ní yà
[00:47.218] Rushing to the far away Tanzania
[00:51.221] nǐ zài yìn dù yáng de běi àn zhù gǎng
[00:53.063] At the north shore of Indian Ocean you casting harbor
[00:58.564] wéi rén men dài lái xī wàng zhī huā
[01:00.560] Bring local people flowers of hope
[01:05.564] dōng nán yà de mǎ liù jiǎ
[01:09.564] At the Malacca in Southeast Asia
[01:13.063] hǎi liú guò fèn kāi le mǎ lái xī yà
[01:16.806] Separated Malaysia ocean flows
[01:20.640] nǐ zuò zài wán gōng de mó tiān dà shà
[01:24.138] You sit in the completed skyscraper
[01:27.891] miàn cháo jiā xiāng kàn xī yáng xī xià
[01:31.634] Facing to hometown seeing the sunset westward
[01:34.889] wú lùn zǒu guò le duō shǎo wén míng
[01:37.139] No matter how many civilizations gone through
[01:38.885] zhè yì tiān dōu huì huí dào zhōng huá
[01:40.638] On this day it' s China you will return to
[01:42.635] wú lùn qù dào le duō shǎo guó jiā
[01:44.382] No matter how many countries have been to
[01:45.888] zhè yì tiān dōu huì huí jiā
[01:49.886] On this day you will come back home
[01:51.496] nǎ pà zài yuǎn fāng de táng rén jiē a
[01:52.493] Even in the Chinatown far away
[01:53.493] nà lǐ yí dìng yǒu wǒ men de tóng bāo ba
[01:55.353] There must be our compatriots
[01:56.356] bù tóng de dà zhōu bù tóng de jì jié ya
[01:57.358] Different continents different seasons
[01:59.109] yí yàng de jiǎo zi a
[02:00.857] But the same Dumplings
[02:41.092] nǐ zài ān dà lüè de hú miàn pō chuán
[02:44.846] On Ontario you moor on lake surface
[02:48.590] děng jià qī jié shù chóng fǎn wēn gē huá
[02:52.088] Waiting the end of holiday return to Vancouver
[02:55.845] nǐ zài mò ěr běn de zhōng yāng chē zhàn
[02:59.598] In front of the Melbourne' s Central Station you stand
[03:03.342] děng tóng shì yì qǐ chū chāi kān péi lā
[03:06.841] Waiting for colleagues to set out to Canberra
[03:10.594] jiàn qiáo jìng jìng de qiáo xià
[03:12.345] Under the Cambridge' s quiet bridge
[03:14.096] nǐ hé shū nèi wài de dà shī duì tán ba
[03:15.712] You talk to masters inside and outside the book
[03:16.708] jīn sè de wéi yě nà
[03:17.708] At the golden Vienna
[03:19.714] quán shì jiè de péng yǒu líng tīng nǐ de fāng huá
[03:21.461] Friends all over the world are listening your youth
[03:23.960] wú lùn zǒu guò duō shǎo wén míng
[03:24.960] No matter how many civilizations have gone through
[03:27.955] zhè yì tiān dōu huì huí dào zhōng huá
[03:28.458] On this day it' s China you will come back to
[03:31.453] wú lùn qù dào le duō shǎo guó jiā
[03:32.460] No matter how many countries have been to
[03:34.960] zhè yì tiān dōu huì huí jiā
[03:37.954] On this day it' s home you will return to
[03:39.713] nǎ pà zài yuǎn fāng de táng rén jiē a
[03:41.464] Even in the Chinatown far away
[03:43.458] nà lǐ yí dìng yǒu wǒ men de tóng bāo ba
[03:44.457] There must be our compatriots
[03:45.463] bù tóng de dà zhōu bù tóng de jì jié ya
[03:47.211] Different continents different seasons
[03:48.962] yí yàng de chūn lián a
[03:50.713] The same Spring Couplets
[03:53.551] wú lùn nǐ zǒu guò duō shǎo wén míng
[03:56.304] No matter how many civilazations you have gone through
[03:57.295] zhè yì tiān yě huì huí dào zhōng huá
[03:58.298] On this day it' s China you will come back to
[04:01.049] wú lùn zǒu guò le duō shǎo guó jiā
[04:02.054] No matter how many countries you have been to
[04:04.047] zhè yì tiān nǐ dōu huì huí jiā
[04:05.799] On this day it' s home you will return to
[04:08.551] nǎ pà nǐ hái zài yuǎn fāng táng rén jiē a
[04:09.551] Even in the Chinatowns far away
[04:11.550] shēn biān yí dìng yǒu wǒ men de tóng bāo ba
[04:13.296] There must be our compatriots
[04:16.049] bù tóng de dà zhōu bù tóng de jì jié ya
[04:17.048] Different continents different seasons
[04:18.893] yí yàng yán huáng de zǐ sūn a
[04:20.645] The same YanHuang' s Descendants
[04:22.392] yí yàng de jiǎo zi a
[04:23.393] The same Dumplings
[04:24.396] yí yàng de chūn lián a
[04:25.903] The same Spring Couplets
[04:41.142] yī nián yòu yī nián
[04:43.147] Year after Year
[04:44.898] wú lùn shì fǒu huí jiā
[04:46.891] Whatever return or not
[04:48.758] cǐ shí gòng tiān yá
[04:50.751] We enjoy the skyline at the sametime
[04:56.255] yī nián yòu yī nián
[04:58.252] Year after Year
[04:59.999] wú lùn shì fǒu huí jiā
[05:01.747] Whatever return home or not
[05:03.589] wǒ men dōu shì yí gè jiā
[05:06.453] We are all one family
[05:11.201] wǒ men dōu shì yí gè jiā
[05:15.460] For one family We are