The Wandering, The Call

Song The Wandering, The Call
Artist Creations
Album The Gospel


[00:06.41] For the time is coming where people will not endure sound teaching.
[00:10.13] But having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves
[00:14.51] teachers to seek their own passions,
[00:16.70] and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
[00:20.77] Many will follow their sensuality and because of them,
[00:26.77] the way of truth will be blasphemed.
[00:30.08] In their greed they will exploit false words to their
[00:34.23] condemnation from long ago is not idle.
[00:38.31] And their destruction is not asleep.
[00:42.57] But as for you, teach with accords of sound doctrine.
[00:47.19] For Jesus said repent.
[00:49.94] And believe the gospel.
[00:56.88] WE ARE CALLING OUT!
[01:03.38] Lets get back to our first love.
[01:08.13] We have wandered off into myths.
[01:14.10] Let us return to the cross.
[01:19.35] This is a call for discernment!