Pood Nai Jai

Song Pood Nai Jai
Artist Bodyslam
Album Bodyslam Believe


ยังทรมานอย่างนี้ เจอะเธอทุกทีต้องคอยข่มใจ
Yung toramahn yahng nee jur tur took tee dtaung koy kom jai
I’m still tortured like this, every time I see you, I must control myself
ต้องทำเป็นคุยทักทาย ต้องทำเหมือนไม่เป็นไร
Dtaung tum bpen kooey tuk tai dtaung tum meuan mai bpen rai
I must act like I’m saying hello, I must behave like everything’s all right
Tung tee kahng nai jai nun mai chai loey
Even though inside my heart, it’s not
(*) อยากบอกว่าฉันยังรักเธอเสมอ
Yahk bauk wah chun yung ruk tur samur
I want to tell you that I still love you, always
Mun yung kit teung tur mai koey bplian bpai
I still miss you, that’ll never change
Jep bpuat tee chun yung poot dai kae nai jai
The pain that I can still only talk about inside my heart
ก็รู้ถ้าพูดออกไป เธอคงจะไม่ย้อนกลับมา
Gor roo tah poot auk bpai tur kong ja mai yaun glup mah
Because I know if I say it out loud, you won’t come back
มันคงจะดีกว่านี้ หากฉันเลิกจำว่าเคยผูกพัน ยังพยายามทุกวัน
Mun kong ja dee gwah nee hahk chun lerk jum wah koey pook pun yung payayahm took wun
It would probably be better if I would stop remembering we were ever in a relationship, I’m still trying every day
แต่ทุกครั้งที่เจอกัน ในใจก็ยังสั่นฉันยังเหมือนเดิม
Dtae took krung tee jur gun nai jai gor yung sun chun yung meuan derm
But every time I see you, my heart still trembles, I’m still the same
เมื่อฉันไม่ใช่คนที่เธอฝัน ชีวิตของฉันเป็นได้แค่นี้
Meua chun mai chai kon tee tur fun cheewit kaung chun bpen dai kae nee
When I’m not the guy of your dreams, my life can only be this
ถ้ารักเท่าไหร่แต่ก็เข้าใจดี วันนี้ไม่มีเธอแล้ว
Tah ruk tao rai dtae gor kao jai dee wun nee mai mee tur laeo
However much I love you, I understand full well that today I don’t have you anymore
Yahk bauk wah chun kong ruk dtae tur
I want to tell you that I love only you
Mun yung kit teung tur took lom hai jai
I still miss you with every breath I take
Jep bpuat tee chun yung poot dai kae nai jai
The pain that I can still only talk about inside my heart
ก็รู้ถ้าพูดออกไป เธอคงจะไม่ย้อนคืนมา
Gor roo tah poot auk bpai tur kong ja mai yaun glup mah
Because I know if I say it out loud, you won’t come back
ก็รู้ถ้าพูดออกไป ความรักคงไม่ย้อน กลับมา
Gor roo tah poot auk bpai kwahm ruk kong mai yaun glup mah
Because I know if I say it out loud, my love won’t come back


Yung toramahn yahng nee jur tur took tee dtaung koy kom jai
I' m still tortured like this, every time I see you, I must control myself
Dtaung tum bpen kooey tuk tai dtaung tum meuan mai bpen rai
I must act like I' m saying hello, I must behave like everything' s all right
Tung tee kahng nai jai nun mai chai loey
Even though inside my heart, it' s not
Yahk bauk wah chun yung ruk tur samur
I want to tell you that I still love you, always
Mun yung kit teung tur mai koey bplian bpai
I still miss you, that' ll never change
Jep bpuat tee chun yung poot dai kae nai jai
The pain that I can still only talk about inside my heart
Gor roo tah poot auk bpai tur kong ja mai yaun glup mah
Because I know if I say it out loud, you won' t come back
Mun kong ja dee gwah nee hahk chun lerk jum wah koey pook pun yung payayahm took wun
It would probably be better if I would stop remembering we were ever in a relationship, I' m still trying every day
Dtae took krung tee jur gun nai jai gor yung sun chun yung meuan derm
But every time I see you, my heart still trembles, I' m still the same
Meua chun mai chai kon tee tur fun cheewit kaung chun bpen dai kae nee
When I' m not the guy of your dreams, my life can only be this
Tah ruk tao rai dtae gor kao jai dee wun nee mai mee tur laeo
However much I love you, I understand full well that today I don' t have you anymore
Yahk bauk wah chun kong ruk dtae tur
I want to tell you that I love only you
Mun yung kit teung tur took lom hai jai
I still miss you with every breath I take
Jep bpuat tee chun yung poot dai kae nai jai
The pain that I can still only talk about inside my heart
Gor roo tah poot auk bpai tur kong ja mai yaun glup mah
Because I know if I say it out loud, you won' t come back
Gor roo tah poot auk bpai kwahm ruk kong mai yaun glup mah
Because I know if I say it out loud, my love won' t come back