Dying on your pedestal, alone, aside from the rest of the world. A pedestal |
they built for you. Your intentions remained intentions... |
Your art is a product of mass consumption benefiting some through the sale of |
plastic. Manufacturing a sound they can dance to. |
The illusion of a rebellion and you play along. For the record; you're |
useless. For the record; insignificant. For the record; you're futile. |
For the record; you think you're special; you're not. you're nothing but a |
commodity. Nothing. You think you wrote a page of history; it's false. |
Your actions are based on selfishness. For the record you're useless. For the |
record; you're insignificant. For the record, you're futile. For the |
record; you think you're special; you're not. There is a thousand just like |
you out there dying on your pedestal, alone, aside from the rest of the world. |
A pedestal they built for you. Your intentions remained intentions and nothing |
else. Nothing. |