If God could turn me into a pigeon |
A golden pigeon or a turtle dove |
I could fly to my homeland |
At Douwayra |
Back home where my folks are |
If God could give me everything I wish for |
Long life, happiness and prosperity |
Then I would live always beside |
Those who are dear to me |
My parents and my friends |
While I was in France |
Learning more about art and life |
One terrible phone call |
Summoned me home where I found |
My mother was already dead and buried |
Orphan, orphan, orphan |
Mama, mama, mama, my darling mother |
Papa, papa, papa, my dear father |
Oh Mother most kind |
Oh Father full of pity |
What sadness when they go |
How sacred is the family |
Mama, Mama, Mama Aissata |
Samba Boubou Yacine Wade |
Mother of Fatou, mother of Mama |
Mother of Laye Malle and of Chillo |
Of Ndeye Khar and of Ndeye Gaye |
Of Hameth Malle and Baaba Baidy Baaba Debbo |
Ah mama Aissata Khar Sano Saar and Nar Sarr |
Ah Aissata Samba Boubou Yacine, ah mama |