Too Tired

Song Too Tired
Artist Albert Collins
Album Ice Pickin'


I layed down last night, too tired to wait
I had a chill this mornin', too tired to shake
I got a good poker hand, too tired to win
I could hear my baby knockin', too tired to let her in
I'm tired, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm tiredToo tired, too tired for anything
Too tired to walk, too tired to run
I can hear my baby callin', too tired, too tired
Too tired, yes,
I'm tiredI'm tired, too tired for anything
I'm tired of prosperity, tired of luck
Sittin' on a pin,
I'm too tired to get up
I'm tired,
I declare,
I declare,
I'm tiredToo tired, tired, too tired for anything
I'm tired, baby