From the House of the Death, ., Act III: " Jesus, the Prophet of God" Alexandr Petrovi Gorjan ikov, Aljeja, mlad Tatar, Filka Morozov, v trestnici pod jme nem Luka Kuzmi, Sta i k ve ze, ekunov

Song From the House of the Death, ., Act III: "Jesus, the Prophet of God" (Alexandr Petrovič Gorjančikov, Aljeja, mladý Tatar, Filka Morozov, v trestnici pod jménem Luka Kuzmič, Stařičký vězeň, Čekunov)
Artist Beno Blachut
Artist Václav Bednář
Artist Helena Tattermuschova
Artist Antonin Votava
Artist Josef Heriban
Artist Prague National Theatre Orchestra
Artist Bohumil Gregor
Album Janáček: From The House Of The Dead
