GAME TYCOON you xi da heng prody by bai huo shi

Song GAME TYCOON 游戏大亨 (prody by 白火石)
Artist 哒哒


[00:00.000] 作曲 : 白火石
[00:01.000] 作词 : 哒哒
[00:06.015] 后期:红中Redok
[00:08.416] 封面:哒哒
[00:15.542] 灵感来自《王者荣耀》《刺激战场》《皇帝成长计划2》《决战平安夜》《刺客信条》《骑马与砍杀》《全面战争》《口袋妖怪》《武林外传》
[00:19.571] 最后感谢可爱多对于副歌的意见和作曲
[00:22.223] The winner is the winner before the end of the game.
[00:27.474] So u must play the game No matter how painful
[00:33.270] The winner is the winner before u the end of the game.
[00:38.762] So u must play the game No matter how painful
[00:44.670] 当拿起手机全身的思维和动作融入屏幕
[00:47.494] 从不惧怕未知的旅途双脚不会停住
[00:50.037] wow
[00:50.605] 王昭君用冰凝固
[00:51.759] 气温顿时下降到零度
[00:53.078] 那就换上满配m4A1跑去P城探路
[00:56.132] 玩了10年的bbox我一路向前直行
[00:58.681] 直到现在百度百科还有介绍我的视频
[01:01.490] 有点情不 自禁
[01:02.736] 才会停步 至今
[01:04.141] 所以我摘掉了虚假的丑陋的面具捡回赤子之心
[01:07.352] 这一路慢慢的走来经历过太多人的斥骂
[01:09.990] 不断的在舞台上磨练才会对未来不再惧怕
[01:12.711] 随着心境的长大早已没太多野心
[01:15.225] 如今只想在女友面前制霸
[01:17.125] 记挂着皇帝成长计划
[01:18.720] The winner is the winner before the end of the game.
[01:23.976] So u must play the game No matter how painful
[01:29.875] The winner is the winner before u the end of the game.
[01:35.216] So u must play the game No matter how painful
[01:41.174] 操控姑获鸟去决战平安夜
[01:44.002] 就算没有装备也能赢山越
[01:46.555] 哪怕被雪女冻干裂也要 踏平三界
[01:49.347] 能够在后世的教科书里把我 大名翻阅
[01:52.560] 没有信仰的刺客就是一盘散沙
[01:54.926] 梦里美好的幻想和残酷的现实形成强烈反差
[01:57.874] 想要逆袭
[01:58.940] 加入了军队开始骑马与砍杀
[02:00.816] 燃烧生命的激情澎湃的热血让生命散发
[02:03.950] 耀眼的光芒青春
[02:04.950] 看似有些荒唐
[02:06.511] 但是生命如大海般汪洋
[02:07.657] 无畏和具有威慑力的人同样刚强
[02:09.540] 指挥着全面战争我要统一七大洲
[02:12.226] 再放松下心情拿起精灵球捕捉皮卡秋
[02:15.739] 同福客栈的大嘴给我煮了碗梨花粥
[02:17.600] 好喝的连话都
[02:18.798] 说不出来了
[02:19.702] 那就好好休息
[02:25.733] The winner is the winner before the end of the game.
[02:30.911] So u must play the game No matter how painful
[02:36.758] The winner is the winner before u the end of the game.
[02:42.334] So u must play the game No matter how painful
[02:47.673] 我有左勾拳右勾拳上勾拳下勾拳为你扫平障碍
[02:53.305] 不管前方道路有多漫长永远不要迷失方向
[02:56.750] 你是 我的 宝藏
[02:59.058] 我有左勾拳右勾拳上勾拳下勾拳为你扫平障碍
[03:04.675] 不管前方道路有多漫长永远不要迷失方向
[03:08.032] 你是 我的 宝藏


[00:00.000] zuò qǔ : bái huǒ shí
[00:01.000] zuò cí : dā dā
[00:06.015] hòu qī: hóng zhōng Redok
[00:08.416] fēng miàn: dā dā
[00:15.542] líng gǎn lái zì wáng zhě róng yào cì jī zhàn chǎng huáng dì chéng zhǎng jì huà 2 jué zhàn píng ān yè cì kè xìn tiáo qí mǎ yǔ kǎn shā quán miàn zhàn zhēng kǒu dài yāo guài wǔ lín wài zhuàn
[00:19.571] zuì hòu gǎn xiè kě ài duō duì yú fù gē de yì jiàn hé zuò qǔ
[00:22.223] The winner is the winner before the end of the game.
[00:27.474] So u must play the game No matter how painful
[00:33.270] The winner is the winner before u the end of the game.
[00:38.762] So u must play the game No matter how painful
[00:44.670] dāng ná qǐ shǒu jī quán shēn de sī wéi hé dòng zuò róng rù píng mù
[00:47.494] cóng bù jù pà wèi zhī de lǚ tú shuāng jiǎo bú huì tíng zhù
[00:50.037] wow
[00:50.605] wáng zhāo jūn yòng bīng níng gù
[00:51.759] qì wēn dùn shí xià jiàng dào líng dù
[00:53.078] nà jiù huàn shàng mǎn pèi m4A1 pǎo qù P chéng tàn lù
[00:56.132] wán le 10 nián de bbox wǒ yí lù xiàng qián zhí xíng
[00:58.681] zhí dào xiàn zài bǎi dù bǎi kē hái yǒu jiè shào wǒ de shì pín
[01:01.490] yǒu diǎn qíng bù zì jìn
[01:02.736] cái huì tíng bù zhì jīn
[01:04.141] suǒ yǐ wǒ zhāi diào le xū jiǎ de chǒu lòu de miàn jù jiǎn huí chì zǐ zhī xīn
[01:07.352] zhè yí lù màn màn de zǒu lái jīng lì guò tài duō rén de chì mà
[01:09.990] bù duàn de zài wǔ tái shàng mó liàn cái huì duì wèi lái bù zài jù pà
[01:12.711] suí zhe xīn jìng de zhǎng dà zǎo yǐ méi tài duō yě xīn
[01:15.225] rú jīn zhǐ xiǎng zài nǚ yǒu miàn qián zhì bà
[01:17.125] jì guà zhe huáng dì chéng zhǎng jì huà
[01:18.720] The winner is the winner before the end of the game.
[01:23.976] So u must play the game No matter how painful
[01:29.875] The winner is the winner before u the end of the game.
[01:35.216] So u must play the game No matter how painful
[01:41.174] cāo kòng gū huò niǎo qù jué zhàn píng ān yè
[01:44.002] jiù suàn méi yǒu zhuāng bèi yě néng yíng shān yuè
[01:46.555] nǎ pà bèi xuě nǚ dòng gān liè yě yào tà píng sān jiè
[01:49.347] néng gòu zài hòu shì de jiào kē shū lǐ bǎ wǒ dà míng fān yuè
[01:52.560] méi yǒu xìn yǎng de cì kè jiù shì yī pán sǎn shā
[01:54.926] mèng lǐ měi hǎo de huàn xiǎng hé cán kù de xiàn shí xíng chéng qiáng liè fǎn chà
[01:57.874] xiǎng yào nì xí
[01:58.940] jiā rù le jūn duì kāi shǐ qí mǎ yǔ kǎn shā
[02:00.816] rán shāo shēng mìng de jī qíng péng pài de rè xuè ràng shēng mìng sàn fà
[02:03.468] chū
[02:03.950] yào yǎn de guāng máng qīng chūn
[02:04.950] kàn sì yǒu xiē huāng táng
[02:06.511] dàn shì shēng mìng rú dà hǎi bān wāng yáng
[02:07.657] wú wèi hé jù yǒu wēi shè lì de rén tóng yàng gāng qiáng
[02:09.540] zhǐ huī zhe quán miàn zhàn zhēng wǒ yào tǒng yī qī dà zhōu
[02:12.226] zài fàng sōng xià xīn qíng ná qǐ jīng líng qiú bǔ zhuō pí kǎ qiū
[02:15.739] tóng fú kè zhàn de dà zuǐ gěi wǒ zhǔ le wǎn lí huā zhōu
[02:17.600] hǎo hē de lián huà dōu
[02:18.798] shuō bu chū lái le
[02:19.702] nà jiù hǎo hǎo xiū xī
[02:25.733] The winner is the winner before the end of the game.
[02:30.911] So u must play the game No matter how painful
[02:36.758] The winner is the winner before u the end of the game.
[02:42.334] So u must play the game No matter how painful
[02:47.673] wǒ yǒu zuǒ gōu quán yòu gōu quán shàng gōu quán xià gōu quán wèi nǐ sǎo píng zhàng ài
[02:53.305] bù guǎn qián fāng dào lù yǒu duō màn cháng yǒng yuǎn bú yào mí shī fāng xiàng
[02:56.750] nǐ shì wǒ de bǎo zàng
[02:59.058] wǒ yǒu zuǒ gōu quán yòu gōu quán shàng gōu quán xià gōu quán wèi nǐ sǎo píng zhàng ài
[03:04.675] bù guǎn qián fāng dào lù yǒu duō màn cháng yǒng yuǎn bú yào mí shī fāng xiàng
[03:08.032] nǐ shì wǒ de bǎo zàng