South North Story

South North Story Lyrics

Song South North Story
Album ネジと歯车とプライド
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[00:12.06] ここはどこだったかな?
[00:16.74] わたしはだれだったかな?
[00:21.48] 色(いろ)のない地図(ちず)を広(ひろ)げて
[00:26.19] 南(みなみ)へ 南(みなみ)へ
[00:30.87] あの子(こ)はどこへいったのかな?
[00:35.55] あの子(こ)ってだれだったかな?
[00:40.27] よく知(し)らない人(ひと)を探(さが)して
[00:45.14] 北(きた)へ 北(きた)へ
[00:48.78] 誰(だれ)かが気(き)まぐれに作(つく)り上(あ)げた交差点(こうさてん)
[00:53.54] 気(き)づかなければ 通(とお)り過(す)ぎていた
[00:58.23] こんにちは こんにちは
[01:00.81] はじめまして はじめまして
[01:03.81] ごきげんいかがですか
[01:08.81] よく似(に)てるけど 少(すこ)し違(ちが)うそんな二人(ふたり)が
[01:13.55] こうして出会(であ)ったのも 何(なに)かの縁(えん)でしょう
[01:18.77] 少(すこ)し立(た)ち止(ど)まって お話(はなし)でも
[01:23.00] ここでしていきませんか 二人(ふたり)で
[01:33.24] 街(まち)はもうはるかかなた
[01:37.92] 私(わたし)が出会(であ)ったのは
[01:42.56] 鏡(かがみ)の中(なか)の自分(じぶん)とも
[01:47.63] 違(ちが)う私(わたし)で
[01:51.97] 同(おな)じ姿(すがた) 同(おな)じリボン
[01:56.68] こっそりといれかわっちゃっても
[02:01.40] 判(わか)らないかもしれないねと
[02:06.03] 二人(ふたり)で笑(わら)った
[02:09.94] 南(みなみ)で私(わたし)は学生(がくせい)でした
[02:14.72] 北(きた)では国(くに)がひとつ滅(ほろ)びました
[02:19.42] うれしい事(こと) 悲(かな)しい事(こと)
[02:22.03] ひとつひとつ 聞(き)かせあって
[02:24.80] 最後(さいご)には笑(わら)いましょう
[02:29.94] よく似(に)てるけど すこし違(ちが)うそんな世界(せかい)が
[02:34.67] こうして出会(であ)ったなら 何(なに)かが変(か)わるかな?
[02:39.91] 自分(じぶん)らしく 人(ひと)と違(ちが)う 道(みち)を選(えら)ぶ
[02:44.11] それも間違(まちが)いじゃないけど
[02:49.63] the world just cross(ザワールドジャストクロス)
[02:50.78] the world just gone(ザワールドジャストゴン)
[02:51.98] it is simply foreordination(イトイズシンピーフォーローディネイシン)
[02:54.67] no reason for us(ノーリーゾンフォーアス)
[02:56.16] but we are here(バトウェァーヒア)
[02:57.44] so "nice to see you"(ソナイスツシーユー)
[02:59.04] we're just alike(ウェアージャストアライコ)
[03:00.17] we're not the same(ウェアーノットザセーム)
[03:01.34] it is simply you and me(イトイズシンピーユーエンドミー)
[03:03.99] no reason for us(ノーリーゾンフォーアス)
[03:05.61] but we are here(バトウェァーヒア)
[03:06.74] "it's time to go"(イッツタイムツゴー)
[03:08.46] そろそろ お別(わか)れの時間(じかん)だね
[03:13.10] 楽(たの)しかったよ もう一人(ひとり)の私(わたし)
[03:17.66] バイバイ またいつか機会(きかい)があれば
[03:21.76] この交差点(こうさてん)で…
[00:12.06] ?
[00:16.74] ?
[00:21.48] se di tu guang
[00:26.19] nan  nan
[00:30.87] zi?
[00:35.55] zi?
[00:40.27] zhi ren tan
[00:45.14] bei  bei
[00:48.78] shui qi zuo shang jiao chai dian
[00:53.54] qi  tong guo
[01:08.81] shi  shao wei er ren
[01:13.55] chu hui  he yuan
[01:18.77] shao li zhi  hua
[01:23.00]   er ren
[01:33.24] jie
[01:37.92] si chu hui
[01:42.56] jing zhong zi fen
[01:47.63] wei si
[01:51.97] tong zi  tong
[02:01.40] pan
[02:06.03] er ren xiao
[02:09.94] nan si xue sheng
[02:14.72] bei guo mie
[02:19.42] shi  bei shi
[02:22.03]   wen
[02:24.80] zui hou xiao
[02:29.94] shi  wei shi jie
[02:34.67] chu hui  he bian?
[02:39.91] zi fen  ren wei  dao xuan
[02:44.11] jian wei
[02:49.63] the world just cross
[02:50.78] the world just gone
[02:51.98] it is simply foreordination
[02:54.67] no reason for us
[02:56.16] but we are here
[02:57.44] so " nice to see you"
[02:59.04] we' re just alike
[03:00.17] we' re not the same
[03:01.34] it is simply you and me
[03:03.99] no reason for us
[03:05.61] but we are here
[03:06.74] " it' s time to go"
[03:08.46]   bie shi jian
[03:13.10] le  yi ren si
[03:17.66]   ji hui
[03:21.76] jiao chai dian
[00:12.06] ?
[00:16.74] ?
[00:21.48] sè dì tú guǎng
[00:26.19] nán  nán
[00:30.87] zi?
[00:35.55] zi?
[00:40.27] zhī rén tàn
[00:45.14] běi  běi
[00:48.78] shuí qì zuò shàng jiāo chāi diǎn
[00:53.54] qì  tōng guò
[01:08.81] shì  shǎo wéi èr rén
[01:13.55] chū huì  hé yuán
[01:18.77] shǎo lì zhǐ  huà
[01:23.00]   èr rén
[01:33.24] jiē
[01:37.92] sī chū huì
[01:42.56] jìng zhōng zì fēn
[01:47.63] wéi sī
[01:51.97] tóng zī  tóng
[02:01.40] pàn
[02:06.03] èr rén xiào
[02:09.94] nán sī xué shēng
[02:14.72] běi guó miè
[02:19.42] shì  bēi shì
[02:22.03]   wén
[02:24.80] zuì hòu xiào
[02:29.94] shì  wéi shì jiè
[02:34.67] chū huì  hé biàn?
[02:39.91] zì fēn  rén wéi  dào xuǎn
[02:44.11] jiān wéi
[02:49.63] the world just cross
[02:50.78] the world just gone
[02:51.98] it is simply foreordination
[02:54.67] no reason for us
[02:56.16] but we are here
[02:57.44] so " nice to see you"
[02:59.04] we' re just alike
[03:00.17] we' re not the same
[03:01.34] it is simply you and me
[03:03.99] no reason for us
[03:05.61] but we are here
[03:06.74] " it' s time to go"
[03:08.46]   bié shí jiān
[03:13.10] lè  yī rén sī
[03:17.66]   jī huì
[03:21.76] jiāo chāi diǎn
South North Story Lyrics
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