
Song Kozhamyk
Artist Huun-Huur-Tu
Album Ancestors Call


Ujeleen bis dorteleen bis
Ujen kiji shinchilig bis
Ujen Kiji ol-daa kanchaar
Ush-le biske kaiyyn cheder
Doretleen bis bejeleen bis
Dorten kiji shinchilig bis
Dorten kiji olar kanchaar
Dort-le biske kaiyyn cheder
Bejeleen bis aldalaan bis
Bejen kiji shinchilig bis
Bejen kiji olar kanchaar
Besh-le biske kaiyyn cheder
Aldalaan bis chedeleen bis
Aldan kiji shinchilig bis
Aldan kiji olar kan chaar
aldy biske kaiyyn cheder
Three of us, four of us,
But we're strong as thirty.
What is thirty against us?!
They won't hold against the three of us.
Four of us, five of us,
But we're strong as forty.
What is forty against us?!
They won't hold up against the four of us.
Five of us, six of us,
But we're strong as fifty.
What is fifty against us?!
They won't hold up against the five of us.
Six of us, Seven of us,
But we're strong as sixty.
What is sixty against us?!
They won't hold up against the six of us.