
Song Incarnation
Artist Vader
Album XXV


A soul in blackness once enslaved
Reaching an outer dimension
To get my unrest slayed
Wisdom ideas in seven steps
I saw them flying, falling, dying
Immortal till the strength's come
Dipped in pains of disdain
Humbling themselves until dawns
An outer space, inconceivable
Forbidden regions for the mortal ones
You find out the mysterious way
And touch the beginning of time before the light
I saw them flying, falling, dying
Immortal till the strength's come
Dipped in pains of disdain
Humbling themselves until dawns
Magic triumphers whisper with drone
Of their victory, napping through the ages
A cipher of books of no return
To bring you near by their calm
Ritual dementia hour to be higher
Prenatal atavism exploding again
Phantasmagorial ones awakening
To lay their power onto me
I saw them flying, falling, dying
Immortal till the strength's come
Dipped in pains of disdain
I saw them falling down
To ancient
Egyptians no star, except for the
Sun, was more important than
Robert Temple in his "Sirius Mystery" tells us much about spiritual and mundane influences of the very complex symbolism of this starry emblem, tracing its cult to the pre-
Egyptian sources.
Sothis was a star of many gods, standing for
Isis, Osiris, or even daemonic
Seth. Modern occultists, especially
Kenneth Grant (the head of Typhonian O. T. O.), name its influence as very important and identify it with the current of the present age,
Eos of Horus,
Crowned and
Child, yet with the
Sethian element still present and valid.
A slightly different account on this great enigma may be found in a fascinating "Cosmic Trigger" by
R. A. Wilson.