Defilement of bosomy virgin |
Sensual hymen is deflorated |
Erected phallus inside pussy |
Puking disgust of copulation |
Jism on genitals |
Menstrual blood |
Embryo resorbence |
Ovulation by sexual abuse |
Clotted uteral mucus |
Fertilization of ovulum |
Gelatinous mucin from abrasion |
Abnormal umbilicus |
Asphyxia of foetus |
Foetal amputation |
Fermentation of dead conceptus |
Necrotic villi into endometrium |
Contamination of amniotic fluid |
Pulmonary lobes atelectasis |
Ragged umbilical cord |
Placenta infarction and sepsis |
Sanguinolent blennorrhoea into membranes |
Necrobiosis and aborted debris in womb |
Parturition pains and eclampsia |
Pregnancy terminated by caesarian |
Afterbirth extracted by gynaecologist |
Postnatal juices about foeticide |
Sterile autolysis |
Macerated foetus |
Miscarriage. |