Hail the Mushroom Cloud

Song Hail the Mushroom Cloud
Artist Puissance
Album Total Cleansing


Let us ignore the answer, let us blind ourselves to the pole of execution.
Let us all strip down to the bare naked bones and let go.
Can you stand your own filthy self, i know i can't...
The memories burned onto the concrete foundations of this sad sad society see it, worship it and love it, the true liberator.
After thousands of years seeking the face of god we have alas found and tamed but a single finger.
But this finger is enough, enough to let loose the hell on earth and to set free the winds of apocalypse.
Aren't we all ready, aren't we all set to go on with the world.
Aren't we all tired and and finally sick of the burden of life.
Even if there is god, he could never ever love a world like mine?
And even if he ever did, isn't this time to say that it's not right?
In heaven we are told, there are only beautiful things and only beautiful songs.
Why would heaven open it's gates for a human soul?
We were made of dirt but weren't we supposed to improve from dirt to something more, we really haven't have we?
Do you believe in mankind?
I know i don't ...
There is an afterlife or so i'm told...
But i have no idea what it is.
Maybe we have a second chance, only to make sure that we make all the same mistakes over again.
Isn't in time we stopped hoping for a change and started making a difference?
Do you believe in nuclear war?
I know i do...
Aren't we all ready, aren't we all set to go on with the world.
Aren't we all tired and and finally sick of the burden of life.
Even if there is god, he could never ever love a world like mine?
And even if he ever did, isn't this time to say that it's not right.