Fly famous mockingbird |
Fly |
Fly famous mockingbird |
Fly |
Fly famous mockingbird |
Fly |
Fly famous mockingbird |
Fly |
Fly |
Fly |
Fly famous mockingbird |
Fly |
The next morning at the camp Errand Wolfe and Rutherford stood frozen in |
Awe as the famous mockingbird flew out of the sky and laid the Helping |
Friendly Book at their feet. The quest for the book had dragged on for so |
Many years that it's sudden appearance left the men staring in disbelief |
Unsure of what their next move should be. The shock wore off quickly |
Though, and Errand Wolfe shot into high gear. He snatched up the book with |
One hand and the famous mockingbird with the other, and began to inform |
Rutherford of his plan. He would first kill Wilson, and then put the |
Helping Friendly Book to work for him |
With Rutherford's aid he fastened the famous mockingbird to a pole, with |
Glue and rubber bands, to insure the secrecy of his mission, and then set |
Out to find the only man in Gamehendge who could handle the job of |
Eliminating a King |