Get Rid of the Rock in Your Name

Song Get Rid of the Rock in Your Name
Artist Leng Tch'e
Album Death by a Thousand Cuts


You get stoned and fuck as much as you can while you are cashing in getting laid and earning lots of money is what you think at rock comes straight from the heart and does not to into you wallet
I bet you don't even like the music but you love the cash
You fucker just saw lots of dollars and so you're selling out now ridiculize yourself if you want to,
I don't give a fuck but stay away from our music if you don't even know it little baby you just reduce rock to sex, drugs and money
Rock is an attitude that you will never understand you are too childish, just a little baby you come on tv and say without any shame that you're not interested in music, just cash and stupid chicks
Get rid on the "Rock" in your name, only "Kid" is already a little better
How did you come up with the name
Kid Rock, should have named yourself
Most Annoying
Dick you will probably think that you're so cool, but you only rock the world of some losers your adolescent fans may think you're cool, but remember that nerds invented "cool" everything about you is all fake, you are just playing some kind of real stupid role