Ra-asa isalamanu para-di-zoda oe-cari-mi aao iala-pire-gahe qui-inn. |
Enai butamonu od inoasa m pa-ra-diala. |
Casaremeji ujeare cahirelanu, od zodonace lucifatianu, caresa ta vavalezodirenu tol-hami. |
Soba lonudohe od nuame cahisa ta da o desa vo-ma-dea od pi-beliare itahila rita od miame ca-ni-quola rita! |
Zodacare! |
Zodameranu! lecanmi quo-a dahe od i-mica-ol-zododa aaiome. |
Bajirele papenore idalugama elonusahi-od umapelifa vau-ge-ji bijil-iad. [ENGLISH] |
The east is a house of harlots singing praises among the flames of the first glory wherin the |
Dark Lord hath opened his mouth; and they are become as living dwellings in whom the strength of man rejoiceth; and they are appareled with ornaments of brightness, such as work wonders on all creatures. |
Whose kingdoms and continuance are as the third and fourth, strong towers and places of comfort, the seats of pleasure and continuance. |
O ye servants of pleasure, move! |
Appear! Sing praises unto the earth and be mighty amongst us. |
For that to this remembrance is given power, and our strength waxeth strong in our comforter. |