Ja te kok, Book 3: Hommage a Farkas Ferenc No. 2 Scraps of a Colinda Melody, Faintly Recollected

Játékok, Book 3: Hommage à Farkas Ferenc No. 2 (Scraps of a Colinda Melody, Faintly Recollected)
Ja te kok, Book 3: Hommage a Farkas Ferenc No. 2 Scraps of a Colinda Melody, Faintly Recollected Lyrics

Song Játékok, Book 3: Hommage à Farkas Ferenc No. 2 (Scraps of a Colinda Melody, Faintly Recollected)
Artist Maria Inès Guimaraes
Album Counterpoint

There is no lyrics at the moment.

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