Song | AsUmind |
Artist | schustla(许思特) |
Album | http: あい |
Download | Image LRC TXT |
[00:00.000] | 作曲 : Funky DL |
[00:00.000] | 作词 : 小青/Shing02 |
[00:00.00] | The beat plus the melody's the recipe, |
[00:00.01] | 节奏加上旋律就是解药 |
[00:03.00] | Your vibe surely brings out the best in me. |
[00:03.01] | 伯牙子期你我无需多言 |
[00:07.00] | “士元啊,让我一醉方休吧。士元,我真的舍不得她走啊。” |
[00:20.00] | Once again, now where do I start, dear love |
[00:20.01] | 重逢俗世竟一时语塞 |
[00:22.00] | Dumbstruck with the pure luck to find you here |
[00:22.01] | 幸运如斯又相遇此刻 |
[00:25.00] | Every morn' I awake from a cavernous night, |
[00:25.01] | 浮光将虚无之夜翻覆 |
[00:28.00] | Sometimes still pondering the previous plight, |
[00:28.01] | 却未敢忘却字字暧屠 |
[00:30.00] | Seems life done changed long time no speak, |
[00:30.01] | 生活悄然改变 |
[00:33.00] | Nowadays I often forget the day of the week |
[00:33.01] | 而我也不再因日期而挂念 |
[00:35.00] | Taking it by stride if you know what I mean, |
[00:35.01] | 跳入那时间的海去感受自由 |
[00:38.00] | No harm done, no offense taken by me. |
[00:38.01] | 宝贝啊,我并无恶意 |
[00:42.00] | 窗外的蝉叫得可欢了,那是它积淀了几个春秋的生命力。也是它难得寻到的生命动力和意义。突然,一只手顺走了它。手,成了凶器,天津的夏恢复了静谧。那蝉,像风筝断了线,似乎悄悄拍死了整个夏天。 |
[01:02.00] | 银河特快的电再见在你我之间, |
[01:04.00] | 月色夜色间,竟在吻间绽放第三绝。 |
[01:07.00] | 决绝的雨爬过你瘦削的肩, |
[01:09.00] | 又捧起你的脸清冽间变换。 |
[01:13.00] | 边患,阿尔哈捷的天。 |
[01:15.00] | 缠绵,奥斯萨巴岛的夜。 |
[01:17.00] | 语言是线,节奏是电,而你是一碗平面。 |
[01:20.00] | 龟兔赛跑的故事同小老虎相拥入眠。 |
[01:23.00] | 焦虑和热望,我无心抗争。宿命的沙漏即将见底告罄,越痛苦刺激,越回味无力。我心脱离渐识渐远的尘境。 |
[01:43.00] | C'est la vie, as they say L.O.V.E evidently, see every song has a sequel |
[01:43.01] | 生活如是,当感受到如此浓烈的爱,就像每首歌都会有续曲 |
[01:48.00] | Never same, everything but the name, all fresh just like back then, how we do everyday |
[01:48.01] | 以爱命名之物永远不同,如此鲜活如同当初你我 |
[01:53.00] | C'est la vie, as they say L.O.V.E eloquently, see every dream has a part two |
[01:53.01] | 生活如是,当说出毫不迟疑的爱,就像每个梦总有两面 |
[01:59.00] | Never same, you got to keep it tight, always just like back then, now hear me out... |
[01:59.01] | 那个总在改变的梦我们仍该紧握,还请继续由我慢慢诉说 |
[02:05.00] | 你瞧啊,这美味的苦痛又来了。这到底是因为什么呢,我总是欲望中默契地等待着恐惧迷途在这里。我看不见天,看不见地。只得乖乖躺下,任那遗传的X染色体感受着一切,红色、紫色、黑色,都与我无可分辨地掺杂在一起,自由着遁入可怕的曙色。沉着,浮着。我想我,还是爱你的。 |
[02:25.00] | 星期天,走出买过酸奶的便利店。 |
[02:27.00] | 酒过衷肠愁未解,抽烟抽出个天崩地裂。 |
[02:29.00] | 上海的风很色,总悄悄抚摸着你的脸。 |
[02:33.00] | 那掐住我喉咙的手,我还想多牵几年。 |
[02:35.00] | 打磨的精度总是赶不上情感澎湃的速度。 |
[02:38.00] | 语言完成诱惑的权宜,不再昭示意图。 |
[02:40.00] | 旁观拍手笑疏狂,疏又何妨,狂又何妨。 |
[02:43.00] | 鱼尾纹诉说着企鹅宝宝栖饼干爸爸的过往。(枕边小猪?瘸腿小猫?) |
[02:46.00] | 我似儿童嗜戏如命,他人痛恨障碍,我恨幕落终曲。可最终真相依然冷酷无情。我死了,无臭无声,大幕拉起。 |
[03:05.00] | So let's rap, we'll catch up to par, what's the haps? |
[03:05.01] | 跳跃吧,让我们更加熟悉 |
[03:08.00] | Perhaps we're even closer now after all things considered on this side of the planet, |
[03:08.01] | 从诗词到人生,躲在一隅随节奏亲密 |
[03:14.00] | Couldn't pick a better time even if we planned it! |
[03:14.01] | 在这最好的时刻,我们选择将彼此略过,也许这才是最够劲儿的 |
[03:17.00] | To come clean and candid if I have to |
[03:17.01] | 白马轻裘我摊开所有 |
[03:19.00] | Oh what I wouldn't trade for your laughter |
[03:19.01] | 在笑颜中融化的繁星苍穹 |
[03:22.00] | Sweet and sour spice in my poetry pot melting, |
[03:22.01] | 这一切你我都再无法占有 |
[03:25.00] | Even better than the real thing! |
[03:25.01] | 小虎牙啊,如蜜上的铁锈 |
[03:27.00] | It's like the God in me saw the Devil in you |
[03:27.01] | 神性如我遇见恶魔如你 |
[03:29.00] | I wanted to break myself in the worst way when I met you |
[03:29.01] | 吞下鱼钩我自愿入网 |
[03:32.00] | Who would have thought, conversate by the river, celebrate birth, |
[03:32.01] | 谁曾想,在星河边关于庆生的谈话 |
[03:36.00] | Sit and delivered the lines that would prove to be the seeds of trust |
[03:36.01] | 只是静静坐着互递信托 |
[03:39.00] | Unsigned, yeah but destined to grow with sunshine |
[03:39.01] | 未曾署名,但必定在阳光中生长 |
[03:42.00] | Self-assigned task piled on the desk of good works, |
[03:42.01] | 因爱的责任不断提升自己 |
[03:45.00] | Knowing hardship appreciate the best of both worlds! |
[03:45.01] | 才知克服困难才是彰显爱最好的方式 |
[03:49.00] | “去者自去,来者未来。情缘易了,主公珍重。” |
[00:00.000] | zuo qu : Funky DL |
[00:00.000] | zuo ci : xiao qing Shing02 |
[00:00.00] | The beat plus the melody' s the recipe, |
[00:00.01] | jie zou jia shang xuan lv jiu shi jie yao |
[00:03.00] | Your vibe surely brings out the best in me. |
[00:03.01] | bo ya zi qi ni wo wu xu duo yan |
[00:07.00] | " shi yuan a, rang wo yi zui fang xiu ba. shi yuan, wo zhen de she bu de ta zou a." |
[00:20.00] | Once again, now where do I start, dear love |
[00:20.01] | chong feng su shi jing yi shi yu se |
[00:22.00] | Dumbstruck with the pure luck to find you here |
[00:22.01] | xing yun ru si you xiang yu ci ke |
[00:25.00] | Every morn' I awake from a cavernous night, |
[00:25.01] | fu guang jiang xu wu zhi ye fan fu |
[00:28.00] | Sometimes still pondering the previous plight, |
[00:28.01] | que wei gan wang que zi zi ai tu |
[00:30.00] | Seems life done changed long time no speak, |
[00:30.01] | sheng huo qiao ran gai bian |
[00:33.00] | Nowadays I often forget the day of the week |
[00:33.01] | er wo ye bu zai yin ri qi er gua nian |
[00:35.00] | Taking it by stride if you know what I mean, |
[00:35.01] | tiao ru na shi jian de hai qu gan shou zi you |
[00:38.00] | No harm done, no offense taken by me. |
[00:38.01] | bao bei a, wo bing wu e yi |
[00:42.00] | chuang wai de chan jiao de ke huan le, na shi ta ji dian le ji ge chun qiu de sheng ming li. ye shi ta nan de xun dao de sheng ming dong li he yi yi. tu ran, yi zhi shou shun zou le ta. shou, cheng le xiong qi, tian jin de xia hui fu le jing mi. na chan, xiang feng zheng duan le xian, si hu qiao qiao pai si le zheng ge xia tian. |
[01:02.00] | yin he te kuai de dian zai jian zai ni wo zhi jian, |
[01:04.00] | yue se ye se jian, jing zai wen jian zhan fang di san jue. |
[01:07.00] | jue jue de yu pa guo ni shou xue de jian, |
[01:09.00] | you peng qi ni de lian qing lie jian bian huan. |
[01:13.00] | bian huan, a er ha jie de tian. |
[01:15.00] | chan mian, ao si sa ba dao de ye. |
[01:17.00] | yu yan shi xian, jie zou shi dian, er ni shi yi wan ping mian. |
[01:20.00] | gui tu sai pao de gu shi tong xiao lao hu xiang yong ru mian. |
[01:23.00] | jiao lv he re wang, wo wu xin kang zheng. su ming de sha lou ji jiang jian di gao qing, yue tong ku ci ji, yue hui wei wu li. wo xin tuo li jian shi jian yuan de chen jing. |
[01:43.00] | C' est la vie, as they say L. O. V. E evidently, see every song has a sequel |
[01:43.01] | sheng huo ru shi, dang gan shou dao ru ci nong lie de ai, jiu xiang mei shou ge dou hui you xu qu |
[01:48.00] | Never same, everything but the name, all fresh just like back then, how we do everyday |
[01:48.01] | yi ai ming ming zhi wu yong yuan bu tong, ru ci xian huo ru tong dang chu ni wo |
[01:53.00] | C' est la vie, as they say L. O. V. E eloquently, see every dream has a part two |
[01:53.01] | sheng huo ru shi, dang shuo chu hao bu chi yi de ai, jiu xiang mei ge meng zong you liang mian |
[01:59.00] | Never same, you got to keep it tight, always just like back then, now hear me out... |
[01:59.01] | na ge zong zai gai bian de meng wo men reng gai jin wo, hai qing ji xu you wo man man su shuo |
[02:05.00] | ni qiao a, zhe mei wei de ku tong you lai le. zhe dao di shi yin wei shi me ne, wo zong shi yu wang zhong mo qi di deng dai zhe kong ju mi tu zai zhe li. wo kan bu jian tian, kan bu jian di. zhi de guai guai tang xia, ren na yi chuan de X ran se ti gan shou zhe yi qie, hong se zi se hei se, dou yu wo wu ke fen bian di chan za zai yi qi, zi you zhe dun ru ke pa de shu se. chen zhuo, fu zhe. wo xiang wo, hai shi ai ni de. |
[02:25.00] | xing qi tian, zou chu mai guo suan nai de bian li dian. |
[02:27.00] | jiu guo zhong chang chou wei jie, chou yan chou chu ge tian beng di lie. |
[02:29.00] | shang hai de feng hen se, zong qiao qiao fu mo zhe ni de lian. |
[02:33.00] | na qia zhu wo hou long de shou, wo hai xiang duo qian ji nian. |
[02:35.00] | da mo de jing du zong shi gan bu shang qing gan peng pai de su du. |
[02:38.00] | yu yan wan cheng you huo de quan yi, bu zai zhao shi yi tu. |
[02:40.00] | pang guan pai shou xiao shu kuang, shu you he fang, kuang you he fang. |
[02:43.00] | yu wei wen su shuo zhe qi e bao bao qi bing gan ba ba de guo wang. zhen bian xiao zhu? que tui xiao mao? |
[02:46.00] | wo shi er tong shi xi ru ming, ta ren tong hen zhang ai, wo hen mu luo zhong qu. ke zui zhong zhen xiang yi ran leng ku wu qing. wo si le, wu chou wu sheng, da mu la qi. |
[03:05.00] | So let' s rap, we' ll catch up to par, what' s the haps? |
[03:05.01] | tiao yue ba, rang wo men geng jia shu xi |
[03:08.00] | Perhaps we' re even closer now after all things considered on this side of the planet, |
[03:08.01] | cong shi ci dao ren sheng, duo zai yi yu sui jie zou qin mi |
[03:14.00] | Couldn' t pick a better time even if we planned it! |
[03:14.01] | zai zhe zui hao de shi ke, wo men xuan ze jiang bi ci lue guo, ye xu zhe cai shi zui gou jin r de |
[03:17.00] | To come clean and candid if I have to |
[03:17.01] | bai ma qing qiu wo tan kai suo you |
[03:19.00] | Oh what I wouldn' t trade for your laughter |
[03:19.01] | zai xiao yan zhong rong hua de fan xing cang qiong |
[03:22.00] | Sweet and sour spice in my poetry pot melting, |
[03:22.01] | zhe yi qie ni wo dou zai wu fa zhan you |
[03:25.00] | Even better than the real thing! |
[03:25.01] | xiao hu ya a, ru mi shang de tie xiu |
[03:27.00] | It' s like the God in me saw the Devil in you |
[03:27.01] | shen xing ru wo yu jian e mo ru ni |
[03:29.00] | I wanted to break myself in the worst way when I met you |
[03:29.01] | tun xia yu gou wo zi yuan ru wang |
[03:32.00] | Who would have thought, conversate by the river, celebrate birth, |
[03:32.01] | shui ceng xiang, zai xing he bian guan yu qing sheng de tan hua |
[03:36.00] | Sit and delivered the lines that would prove to be the seeds of trust |
[03:36.01] | zhi shi jing jing zuo zhe hu di xin tuo |
[03:39.00] | Unsigned, yeah but destined to grow with sunshine |
[03:39.01] | wei zeng shu ming, dan bi ding zai yang guang zhong sheng zhang |
[03:42.00] | Selfassigned task piled on the desk of good works, |
[03:42.01] | yin ai de ze ren bu duan ti sheng zi ji |
[03:45.00] | Knowing hardship appreciate the best of both worlds! |
[03:45.01] | cai zhi ke fu kun nan cai shi zhang xian ai zui hao de fang shi |
[03:49.00] | " qu zhe zi qu, lai zhe wei lai. qing yuan yi le, zhu gong zhen zhong." |
[00:00.000] | zuò qǔ : Funky DL |
[00:00.000] | zuò cí : xiǎo qīng Shing02 |
[00:00.00] | The beat plus the melody' s the recipe, |
[00:00.01] | jié zòu jiā shang xuán lǜ jiù shì jiě yào |
[00:03.00] | Your vibe surely brings out the best in me. |
[00:03.01] | bó yá zǐ qī nǐ wǒ wú xū duō yán |
[00:07.00] | " shì yuán a, ràng wǒ yī zuì fāng xiū ba. shì yuán, wǒ zhēn de shě bù dé tā zǒu a." |
[00:20.00] | Once again, now where do I start, dear love |
[00:20.01] | chóng féng sú shì jìng yī shí yǔ sè |
[00:22.00] | Dumbstruck with the pure luck to find you here |
[00:22.01] | xìng yùn rú sī yòu xiāng yù cǐ kè |
[00:25.00] | Every morn' I awake from a cavernous night, |
[00:25.01] | fú guāng jiāng xū wú zhī yè fān fù |
[00:28.00] | Sometimes still pondering the previous plight, |
[00:28.01] | què wèi gǎn wàng què zì zì ài tú |
[00:30.00] | Seems life done changed long time no speak, |
[00:30.01] | shēng huó qiǎo rán gǎi biàn |
[00:33.00] | Nowadays I often forget the day of the week |
[00:33.01] | ér wǒ yě bù zài yīn rì qī ér guà niàn |
[00:35.00] | Taking it by stride if you know what I mean, |
[00:35.01] | tiào rù nà shí jiān de hǎi qù gǎn shòu zì yóu |
[00:38.00] | No harm done, no offense taken by me. |
[00:38.01] | bǎo bèi a, wǒ bìng wú è yì |
[00:42.00] | chuāng wài de chán jiào dé kě huān le, nà shi tā jī diàn le jǐ gè chūn qiū de shēng mìng lì. yě shì tā nán de xún dào de shēng mìng dòng lì hé yì yì. tū rán, yì zhī shǒu shùn zǒu le tā. shǒu, chéng le xiōng qì, tiān jīn de xià huī fù le jìng mì. nà chán, xiàng fēng zhēng duàn le xiàn, sì hū qiāo qiāo pāi sǐ le zhěng gè xià tiān. |
[01:02.00] | yín hé tè kuài de diàn zài jiàn zài nǐ wǒ zhī jiān, |
[01:04.00] | yuè sè yè sè jiān, jìng zài wěn jiān zhàn fàng dì sān jué. |
[01:07.00] | jué jué de yǔ pá guò nǐ shòu xuē de jiān, |
[01:09.00] | yòu pěng qǐ nǐ de liǎn qīng liè jiān biàn huàn. |
[01:13.00] | biān huàn, ā ěr hā jié de tiān. |
[01:15.00] | chán mián, ào sī sà bā dǎo de yè. |
[01:17.00] | yǔ yán shì xiàn, jié zòu shì diàn, ér nǐ shì yī wǎn píng miàn. |
[01:20.00] | guī tù sài pǎo de gù shì tóng xiǎo lǎo hǔ xiāng yōng rù mián. |
[01:23.00] | jiāo lǜ hé rè wàng, wǒ wú xīn kàng zhēng. sù mìng de shā lòu jí jiāng jiàn dǐ gào qìng, yuè tòng kǔ cì jī, yuè huí wèi wú lì. wǒ xīn tuō lí jiàn shí jiàn yuǎn de chén jìng. |
[01:43.00] | C' est la vie, as they say L. O. V. E evidently, see every song has a sequel |
[01:43.01] | shēng huó rú shì, dāng gǎn shòu dào rú cǐ nóng liè de ài, jiù xiàng měi shǒu gē dōu huì yǒu xù qū |
[01:48.00] | Never same, everything but the name, all fresh just like back then, how we do everyday |
[01:48.01] | yǐ ài mìng míng zhī wù yǒng yuǎn bù tóng, rú cǐ xiān huó rú tóng dāng chū nǐ wǒ |
[01:53.00] | C' est la vie, as they say L. O. V. E eloquently, see every dream has a part two |
[01:53.01] | shēng huó rú shì, dāng shuō chū háo bù chí yí de ài, jiù xiàng měi gè mèng zǒng yǒu liǎng miàn |
[01:59.00] | Never same, you got to keep it tight, always just like back then, now hear me out... |
[01:59.01] | nà gè zǒng zài gǎi biàn de mèng wǒ men réng gāi jǐn wò, hái qǐng jì xù yóu wǒ màn màn sù shuō |
[02:05.00] | nǐ qiáo a, zhè měi wèi de kǔ tòng yòu lái le. zhè dào dǐ shì yīn wèi shí me ne, wǒ zǒng shì yù wàng zhōng mò qì dì děng dài zhe kǒng jù mí tú zài zhè lǐ. wǒ kàn bú jiàn tiān, kàn bú jiàn dì. zhǐ de guāi guāi tǎng xià, rèn nà yí chuán de X rǎn sè tǐ gǎn shòu zhe yī qiè, hóng sè zǐ sè hēi sè, dōu yǔ wǒ wú kě fēn biàn dì chān zá zài yì qǐ, zì yóu zhe dùn rù kě pà de shǔ sè. chén zhuó, fú zhe. wǒ xiǎng wǒ, hái shì ài nǐ de. |
[02:25.00] | xīng qī tiān, zǒu chū mǎi guò suān nǎi de biàn lì diàn. |
[02:27.00] | jiǔ guò zhōng cháng chóu wèi jiě, chōu yān chōu chū gè tiān bēng dì liè. |
[02:29.00] | shàng hǎi de fēng hěn sè, zǒng qiāo qiāo fǔ mō zhe nǐ de liǎn. |
[02:33.00] | nà qiā zhù wǒ hóu lóng de shǒu, wǒ hái xiǎng duō qiān jǐ nián. |
[02:35.00] | dǎ mó de jīng dù zǒng shì gǎn bù shàng qíng gǎn péng pài de sù dù. |
[02:38.00] | yǔ yán wán chéng yòu huò de quán yí, bù zài zhāo shì yì tú. |
[02:40.00] | páng guān pāi shǒu xiào shū kuáng, shū yòu hé fáng, kuáng yòu hé fáng. |
[02:43.00] | yú wěi wén sù shuō zhe qǐ é bǎo bǎo qī bǐng gān bà bà de guò wǎng. zhěn biān xiǎo zhū? qué tuǐ xiǎo māo? |
[02:46.00] | wǒ shì ér tóng shì xì rú mìng, tā rén tòng hèn zhàng ài, wǒ hèn mù luò zhōng qū. kě zuì zhōng zhēn xiàng yī rán lěng kù wú qíng. wǒ sǐ le, wú chòu wú shēng, dà mù lā qǐ. |
[03:05.00] | So let' s rap, we' ll catch up to par, what' s the haps? |
[03:05.01] | tiào yuè ba, ràng wǒ men gèng jiā shú xī |
[03:08.00] | Perhaps we' re even closer now after all things considered on this side of the planet, |
[03:08.01] | cóng shī cí dào rén shēng, duǒ zài yī yú suí jié zòu qīn mì |
[03:14.00] | Couldn' t pick a better time even if we planned it! |
[03:14.01] | zài zhè zuì hǎo de shí kè, wǒ men xuǎn zé jiāng bǐ cǐ lüè guò, yě xǔ zhè cái shì zuì gòu jìn r de |
[03:17.00] | To come clean and candid if I have to |
[03:17.01] | bái mǎ qīng qiú wǒ tān kāi suǒ yǒu |
[03:19.00] | Oh what I wouldn' t trade for your laughter |
[03:19.01] | zài xiào yán zhōng róng huà de fán xīng cāng qióng |
[03:22.00] | Sweet and sour spice in my poetry pot melting, |
[03:22.01] | zhè yī qiè nǐ wǒ dōu zài wú fǎ zhàn yǒu |
[03:25.00] | Even better than the real thing! |
[03:25.01] | xiǎo hǔ yá a, rú mì shàng de tiě xiù |
[03:27.00] | It' s like the God in me saw the Devil in you |
[03:27.01] | shén xìng rú wǒ yù jiàn è mó rú nǐ |
[03:29.00] | I wanted to break myself in the worst way when I met you |
[03:29.01] | tūn xià yú gōu wǒ zì yuàn rù wǎng |
[03:32.00] | Who would have thought, conversate by the river, celebrate birth, |
[03:32.01] | shuí céng xiǎng, zài xīng hé biān guān yú qìng shēng de tán huà |
[03:36.00] | Sit and delivered the lines that would prove to be the seeds of trust |
[03:36.01] | zhǐ shì jìng jìng zuò zhe hù dì xìn tuō |
[03:39.00] | Unsigned, yeah but destined to grow with sunshine |
[03:39.01] | wèi zēng shǔ míng, dàn bì dìng zài yáng guāng zhōng shēng zhǎng |
[03:42.00] | Selfassigned task piled on the desk of good works, |
[03:42.01] | yīn ài de zé rèn bù duàn tí shēng zì jǐ |
[03:45.00] | Knowing hardship appreciate the best of both worlds! |
[03:45.01] | cái zhī kè fú kùn nán cái shì zhāng xiǎn ài zuì hǎo de fāng shì |
[03:49.00] | " qù zhě zì qù, lái zhě wèi lái. qíng yuán yì le, zhǔ gōng zhēn zhòng." |