
Song Revenge
Artist White Zombie
Album Let Sleeping Corpses Lie


Live to die
For a heart jam
Fight to love a
Super bitch
Drive her roots
Straight to hell
Atomic ass 99
Another cosmic monster
Spits his teeth
In your eye
More dead than alive
Revenge is better than
LoveRevenge is better than
Was built for you
But he must be
DestroyedCut him down yeah
In his prime
And let the party
BeginNot much of a facetombstone laughing
More dead than alive
Revenge is better than
LoveRevenge is better than
RevengeThey sharpened their war
Pure fear as a weapon
Brilliance through
CenturiesTime rolls on and on and
The river of life
Drowning everyone but me
Turn my back
And disappear
Chill is in my gut
Turns me loose
Head splits like wood
Mind collide confession
Rambling remember when
Sweat meant something
More dead than alive
Revenge is better than
LoveRevenge is better than