My foundation ever unshaken nothing but life and devastation being so |
together it seemed whatever 'till I read your Book of Revelation probably |
I'd be much better off not knowing but you were so sloppy now your slip is |
showing dangerous and jaded self-perpetuated cute but over-rated you'd |
do everything just to look distracted never unattractive but overacted it |
didn't fall apart till I put it together then just a paragraph changed my life |
forever when you know the ending open wide and read it how you made |
your bed and now you have to eat it now I get to keep it all I ever needed so |
why do I still feel cheated? I can't believe my eyes what I saw last night |
what I know today book of revelation. So now you finally go to say that you |
really felt that way and it hit me pretty hard. And though we've carried it so |
far I know that's the way things are today that's the way they are I can't |
make up my mind what I must decide what I have to say book of revelation |