I get you ready for the breakdown. |
I'm the feeling inside you that just wants to explode. |
I never sugarcoat a shakedown. |
So empty all your pockets of the things that you think you know. |
You can bow to the prophet. |
You can make him an offer. |
But you're gonna reap what you sow. |
I get you ready for the breakdown. |
I'm the feeling inside you. |
You know you will never control. |
Do you know what you're runnin' on? |
I know the sound that drags you downtown. |
Drags you from your job and the hardwired boredom of house. |
I see you changing from the neck down. |
Do you walk it like you talk it? |
Or say it just to hear it out loud? |
You can drag it for miles. |
You can make it your style. |
Never do you much good in the ground. |
I get you ready for the breakdown. |
I'm the something inside you that makes you want to slither and howl. |
Do you know what you're runnin' on? |
One good love so don't let it breakdown. |
Something in there that never should shutdown. |
Your precious will. |
Feed your precious will. |
Guard your precious will. |
Your precious will. |
I get you ready for the breakdown. |
The finest minds of my generation are all connected to the zeroes and ones. |
By now you know this is a shakedown. |
So empty all your pockets of the things you thought you had done. |
I bowed to the prophet. |
And I did it so often. |
He said, "man, you look good in my clothes..". |
I get you ready for the breakdown, |
I'm the feeling inside you. |
It just wants to explode. |
Do you know what you're runnin' on? |
Answer: Your |
Precious Will. |