So it starts, from one impurity held in place by loveless security, always thrown around and beaten by squinted eyes that soon bear turned back, abstract views through broken bottles of brandy. |
I'm questioned all my life why |
I kept on saying that |
I didn't even ask to be here, you made that choice for me, enrolled me in your schools and church and in your god forsaken military. |
What cost do |
I pay for being born of you? |
My life, enslaved by passions, held away from me. |
Who is my mother? |
Where is her grace? |
Where is that subtle joy |
I crave? It's gone, or should |
I say never existed anyway. |
Through blurry winter clouds and snow melted by anger - my subscription. my addiction. |
If I had one love in the world : you tried to take it away. |
A pound of nuts is simply not enough to keep my rage at bay and though |
I didn't kill you. like you tried to do to me. |
I'm just as guilty because |
I would have wanted to be free. |