Lid To Your Soul

Song Lid To Your Soul
Artist Neuraxis
Album Imagery


Malevolent creature of hatred
One that feeds on emotions
Psychologically unsound and very unstable
Bent on destruction of integreity
Tell him what he wants to hear
He'll twist it to his advantage
Victims are left susceptible to...
Further remorseless attacks, from these vulgar preying parasites
Delirium caused paranoia
Scars never healing
Malignant moral cancer,
Societies standards-
Die Hopes and dreams
Smashed and destroyed
Fault and fears
Used as weapons
Malignant moral cancer,
Societies standards-
Die Hopes and dreams
Burnt and charred
Fault and fears
Withering self-esteem
Fade- now a shell of your former self
Derogatory comments leave you empty
Self-conscious of appearance
Cunning- Attacking insecurities
Forever in denial
Lost- All faith and hope