Roly-Poly dwarves. Rolling all around, knocking over pins, it's a New York sin. |
Roly-poly dwarves. Jobless by the hordes, |
Little people longing to be thrown, unemployed, somewhat annoyed. Sorry little dwarves. |
Steroid pumping men. Throw him as far as you can. |
Soaring through the air. No other sport compares.. |
Suspended by a hook. Awaiting to be flung, mighty warrior throws them one by one. |
Grubby hobbit bum. Surely a sight to behold, they look quite bold. Sorry little dwarves. |
Balded bearded athlete. Stubby fingers, shrunken feat. |
This sport would not be known. If they were fully grown. |
Infamous New York game. A midget put to shame. |
Dr. Ruth agrees, "This sport should not be ceased". |
Toss a little man, Rebounding on the floor like a loony-goony bird you can't ignore. |
Roly-poly can-can. Enjoy it while you can, |
This midget sport will not expand, not it's permanently banned. Sorry, little dwarves. |
The future it looks grim. Dwarf tossing Tiny Tim. |
Illegal in fifty states. Unfortunate midget traits. |