Scottish Winds

Song Scottish Winds
Artist Frightened Rabbit
Album A Frightened Rabbit


Come gather in my lungs
Scottish wind
Belt out your blackest poems
As the sea around you sings
When that drone takes to the air
A single note to raise my hair
Carry songs beyond my lungs
Cold Scottish wind
Come fall upon my shoulders,
Scottish rain
And dissolve all of the worry
That has hunched this back of mine
So the hurt run down the drain to the reservoir
One day I'll add a drop of my own worries
To a dram
Gather heavy in these long
Scottish winds
All the fag smoke in the ether
Of the grouse has clipped your wings
Now I cough just like my granddad
And his grandpa before him
Ah, blow youth into these lungs
Oh, Scottish wind
Come burl around my body,
Scottish blood
I'll try not to spill a drop
Oh, I'm sure you've spilled enough
And the English f**king rule
Who mean nothing to these times
Ah, run forever in my veins
Bold Scottish blood
And the whisper to my mouth, soft
Scottish winds
Just enough to say
I love you
To the girl who keeps me sane
Take the stupid things
I've said
Blow them miles and miles away
Thank you in advance,
Scottish wind
Thank you in advance,
Scottish wind