I just know Jesus is the way I just know Jesus is the truth I just know Jesus is the life I just know Jesus is my Godwhat makes you different from one anotherwhy do you argue about who you followthere is no man that you belong tothere's only one God that can claim you I don't care if you don't speak in tongues I don't care if you're into submersionwhat does it matter if wear a liturgical robeor prophesy and say God said so I just know Jesus is the way I just know Jesus is the truth I just know Jesus is the life I know that Jesus is my GodI know that Jesus is the way I know that Jesus is the truth I know that Jesus is the life I know that Jesus is my Goddo you serve your name or do you serve mankindwould you feel the same if they took down your signcould you sit next to me if I was Baptist or Presbyterianor do I need to be a charismatic or Episcopalian I don't care if you drink grape juice or if it's wineand I don't care if you get out of church on timewhat does it matter if you praise God with music in your churchor you burn your dead or bury them six feet in the dirt I just know Jesus is the way I just know Jesus is the truth I just know Jesus is the life I just know Jesus is my GodI know that Jesus is the way I know that Jesus is the truth I know that Jesus is the life I know that Jesus is my GodI don't care if you clap your hands I don't care if you get out in the aisle and dancewhat's it matter if someone lets out a hallelujah shouthave we forgotten what praising Yahweh is all about I just know Jesus is the way I just know Jesus is the truth I just know Jesus is the life I know that Jesus is my GodI know that Jesus is the way I know that Jesus is the truth I know that Jesus is the life I know that Jesus is my God