Allah, Buddha, Jesus Christ 安拉,佛祖,耶稣基督 whatever your god may be 不论你信仰何种神灵 forget those idols let me tell you 忘记那些偶像吧,让我来告诉你 they're tales of morbid brains 那些都是脑残们所捏造出来的故事 everybody thinks he's right 他们认为神永远是正确的 that his gods are the only truth 他们的神才是唯一的真理 fanatic faith, fanatic deeds 狂热的信仰,狂热的行为: join my religion or die 要么入教,要么死亡 jews killed jesus, christs slaughtered jews 犹太人杀死了耶稣,基督屠杀犹太人 millions die for their faith 成千上万的人死于他们的信仰 each religion prays that killing is a sin 而各个宗教却在祷告:杀人是罪过 how stupid logic can be 多么愚蠢的逻辑 curse the gods 咒骂那些神灵 too many people have died 已经有了太多的死亡 curse the gods 咒骂那些神灵 that fools have died for a lie 那些蠢货们因他们的谎言而死 beware of those fools that keep telling you 你要提防那些不断骚扰你的蠢货,他们告诉你: god loves you, for you his son died 上帝爱你,他的儿子已经因你而死 fuck them,believe in yourself 去他妈的吧,你要相信你自己 gods reality is just a lie 实际上神灵只是谎言罢了