Music:Ostby Lyrics:Khan PART 1 Sweet Lavender Sense the purity of your own mind child Such an innocence not yet caught by judging eyes Don't touch me little seed 'cause I'll betray you If you follow me you'll never see Through a crack in the wall you watch the world Nearly paralized by this glimpse of tomorrow And a glimpse is all you'll get wherever you fly Cause you'll go blind the moment you reach dawn On your way you'll start to wonder Where the ocean meets the sand On your way you'll feel that Heaven's slipping slow through your hand Sweet lavender can't remember What it felt like running trough the rye PART 2 Non-Electric Redemption In the heat of her breath my life seems worthwhile When she swallows my soul I can hear the conch' hymn And I can watch myself moaning,sweating,climbing Penetrating my prime with a smile Fill my needs give me eternal redemption Call my name with a sense of pride when I break through She's the medium I need to find my way home She's my intermediary to everlasting youth But I can't find myself in the depths of her bliss Is it me is it her or the world we're living in Heal my wounds Bring me eternal salvation Call my name with a sense of pride Don't wake me now All I gained non-electric redemption She is not what she used to be before I fell Tell me why why she's crying beseeching Call her name with a sense of pride as you go down PART 3 In These Rooms There's no purity left to save my soul From this cavalcade I've no strength to carry on Don't touch me little seed 'cause I'll betray you If you follow me you'll never see There's a heaven in your hand child There's a place I'm dying to hide you Poor lavender cold but tender Life could only teach you how to cry In these rooms a plaintive whisper fills the air On these walls I crucify my self to hail you right now The time is ripe for change Pierce my body drink my tears and my blood Come,be one with me Though it's getting dark I can see the light Though I'm getting weaker I still feel I'm alive Show me the way Follow me in To heaven or hell Truth or faint illusion I need you I need your eyes