Your pain makes me hungry I'm hungry for pain Your death is mine, motherfucker Don't even try to escape Because you're mine You are all mine You are all in my path I will peel you like a potato! I will take off your (??) (??) Shit! you are going to die! I will peel off your toenails Like they were...cupcakes! Like they were...twinkies! You're dead mother fucker My life is nothing but to kill you (??) my words make you wanna scream like a dead dog dying of anger (???) dead dog gonna be dicks in ass tonight mother fucker You're... life is mine I take you with me I take you I crumble you up And wad you into a little ball I'll (???) your head And still (????) oohhh!!! You''re destroyed! (??) (??) The war is not alone It's the only war Anytime! You get your ass out here! Kick my ass? No problem! My life is better Don't fuck with me whatsoever yep, you think you're (???) I take it or I leave it But this one motherfucker is mine And you're getting it! You're the one who's going to pay this time! No prob!