All your little notes, Not little loved, your notes. All your little notes, Not little loved, your notes, They follow me 'round. How I find them, In a book to keep a place, Back of bus tickets, In my suitcase, They're keeping me warm, Staving off a doubtful wind, A doubtful wind, Keeping me warm, And I quote Your words, never wearing thin, 'Round my shoulders, I quote, Your words never wearing thin, Round my shoulders. Oh now, don't mind me, I guess I made my bed, And I'll be damned darlin, If you don't lay with me in it. Staving off a doubtful wind, A doubtful wind, Keeping me warm, And I quote Your words, never wearing thin, Round my shoulders, I quote, Your words never wearing thin, Round my shoulders. Oh how time goes on, How little time goes on. I wish it full, I wish it long, No little wish is wrong, Why, can I follow you round? Keep me on my toes, Move mysteriously, Keep writing your Little notes for me, From your very own hand. From your very own hand From your very own hand From your very own hand