When you’re looking for a someone And then someone comes along It never enters in your head The thought that someone could be wrong And they’ll tell you that you’re pretty Put these thoughts inside your head But you’re never really special You’ll just realise you’re average instead And you’ll try to wash away the crowd Play your music far too loud But everyone will just think that you’re irritating People-hating Just another Single Mother offshoot when you’re not This lip gloss feels all funny, man I wish that I was shot Through the heart with a dart, but I’m not, but I’m not, but I’m not. And the someone that you know and love Is sleeping at your place And there’s something in his hair And there’s something on your face And you look him in the eyes And then he’s playing your guitar And then you want to hold him close But then he’s getting in his car And all the songs he played this morning Were about people like me That he’d fallen for or slept with Or had gotten drunk and slept with, just like me And I know I’m not that great, There are things about you that I hate, And I know that I’m annoying too But mostly when I think of you I feel like I am someone who is irritating People-hating Just another drunken lover, even if I’m not Your hair is multicoloured and your eyes are all bloodshot And I wish that I am special just like you, but I’m not, but I’m not.