Lies … Deceit … Fables … Hypocrisy … Beardless men arrived on northern shores They came from the Saxon lands With golden relics in their hands Collecting souls for their god The heralds of a simple faith Believe in Him or burn Convert before it is too late The year thousand; where is Christ? The Second Coming is a lie The old gods still rule the North! Their god was fed with gold and silver; Taken from the misguided common man Soon his temples were erected All built by Nordic hands Some were abducted by loyal men To be hung under a silent moon Piercing arrows sealed their fate Their corpses left for Odins ravens! The Second Coming is a lie The old gods still rule the North! In distant lands his corpse decayed This Nazarene messiah called “God” Flesh rotted away, like any mortal man His brittle bones, buried in sand Now his pathetic slaves remain Waiting for the trumpets that will never sound Devoting their lives to a fool long gone Who’s resting in a shallow grave! The Second Coming is a lie The old gods still rule the North!