BUDDY A dad who's a million miles away When he meets me, who knows what he'll see But deep down I know I shouldn't be afraid 'Cause he's bound to be a lot like me And we'll make angels in the snow Till the snow begins to blow Then we'll run inside and start a tickle fight And if it's too cold to sled We'll eat gingerbread instead And then cuddle till he tucks me in at night And we'll have our pictures taken For the Christmas cards we're makin' Him and me in suits of matching plaid And when people see us walking They'll be google-eyed and gawking At buddy and the world's Greatest dad MR. NARWHAL Bye, Buddy. Hope you find your Dad BUDDY Thanks, Mr. Narwhal. We'll spend mornings holding hands Holding hands and making plans On whether to play jacks or kick-the-can Then for lunch a gingersnap And a nap to fill the gap Before building forts and playing superman And if his back gives him a spasm Well, every good dad has 'em I'll bring him cocoa and a heating pad It's a scene inside a snow globe It's a very apropos globe Just buddy and the world's Greatest dad (BUDDY arrives in New York.) We'll share a whole fruit cake slice by slice Making sure not one single crumb drops And if I were to say, “I'm in a Christmas play” He wouldn't miss it for a million gumdrops When I fall and scrape my knee He'll kiss that knee for me And make that booboo better in a jiff And if I should get a cold Or just allergies from mold He'll gazoontite me with his own handkerchief And if ever thing turn gloomful I'll know that there's a roomful Of hugs and jokes to make it seem less bad I can't hide my admiration For that perfect combination Of buddy and the world's Greatest dad So I'm gonna try my best to be Everything he'd expect of me And I promise that I won't stop Until I'm done So some day you can say I'm the world's greatest son