[00:00.00]《Amor ti vieta(Loris's aria from Fedora)》 [00:14.00] [00:15.00]Sung By "Andrea Bocelli" [00:23.00] [00:24.00]Amor ti vieta di non amar...(Love itself bars you from not loving...) [00:41.00]La man tua lieve che mi respinge,(Your light hand that repels me,) [00:58.00]cerca la stretta della mia man:(still looks for the stroke of my hand:) [01:12.00]la tua pupilla esprime: "T'amo"(your eyes exclaim: "I love you") [01:26.00]se il labbro dice: "Non t'amerò!"(even when your lips say: "I will not love you!") [01:45.00]