There was a tinker lived of late Who walked the streets of Rye He bore his pack upon his back Patches and plugs did cry O I have brass within my bag My hammer's full of metal. And as to skill I well can clout And mend a broken kettle A maiden did this tinker meet And to him boldly say For sure, my kettle hath much need If you will pass my way She took the tinker by the hand And led him to her door Says she my kettle I will show And you can clout it sure For patching and plugging is his delight His work goes forward day and night Fair maid says he Your kettle's cracked The cause is plainly told There hath so many nails been drove Mine own could not take hold Says she it hath endured some knocks and more it may i know I'm sure a large large nail will hold If it was struck in so For patching and plugging is his delight His work goes forward, day and night