所以我离开 - AC周予天 词:AC周予天 曲:AC周予天 Eeny meeny miny moe You caught a tiger by the toe Eeny meeny miny moe You had your chance Now is time to go Eeny meeny miny moe You caught a tiger by the toe Eeny meeny miny moe you had your chance Now is time to go 看我 赤裸 先别急着把门上锁 深陷这美丽的陷阱 玫瑰花总共买了十朵 开不 了口 Nobody is telling me when to run God damn 我无法闪躲 爱情魔力 我说这爱情魔力 享受在当下全世界都瞬间变得美丽 为什么这种感觉却不能一直持续 到头来分道扬镳多没意义 I'm feeling good I'm feeling good yea 看破了你的把戏这feeling正点 我也曾经像个大傻瓜 撑到最后头破血流还不敢挣扎 I'm feeling good I'm feeling good yea 快被淹没 I'm barely breathing 所以我离开 所以我离开 bye bye 随便你怎么讲 I'm never coming back 每次错的都是我 你永远高高在上 说不完的烂借口 Hajimalago yea 我受够了 失去爱你的理由 别想我 我无法再回头 所以我离开 怪自己活该 所以我离开 Eeny meeny miny moe You caught a tiger by the toe Eeny meeny miny moe You had your chance Now is time to go 是时候离开这个party I dont care 我变成话题 Alright 我承认我真得搞砸了 Now its my time to pay the price ok 你没有公主命 偏偏得了公主病 症状太严重 连神医他们都无法搞定 Yea I was like come on AC You aint blind you just cant see 打包打包行李 让我整理心情 I'm feeling good I'm feeling good yea 看破了你的把戏这feeling正点 我也曾经像个大傻瓜 撑到最后头破血流还不敢挣扎 I'm feeling good I'm feeling good yea 快被淹没 I'm barely breathing 所以我离开 所以我离开 bye bye 随便你怎么讲 I'm never coming back 每次错的都是我 你永远高高在上 说不完的烂借口 Hajimalago yea 我受够了 失去爱你的理由 别想我 我无法再回头 所以我离开 怪自己活该 所以我离开 Eeny meeny miny moe You caught a tiger by the toe Eeny meeny miny moe You had your chance Now is time to go Ok She promised me I won't be disappointed But when she kissed the dude that I don't chill with Oh damn girl You crossed the line Eliminate Let me eliminate Eeny meeny miny moe You caught a tiger by the toe Eeny meeny miny moe You had your chance Now is time to go 所以我离开 怪自己活该 所以我离开 Eeny meeny miny moe You caught a tiger by the toe Eeny meeny miny moe I got 99 problems but you won't be one