Last page for the voice I request, in the half light Even now the ten o’clock shadows Lead you to the country side And the big rocks, and the pasture With the stars winking a smile Love in the clear wafting cool With your jacket flapping in the breeze And the evening is a good place to lie down And let the music play Again roaming through the hills In the market place, some where behind And the tools, all on the shelf And the wheels turning some other time While your only thrill is the night Stars winking hello I know you and you’re welcome to my realm Granite rocks and green tufts of pasture land Rolling hills hide the day In their night time splendor And went, in article of faith and time And place One after the other Go to the granite halls And the iron spikes Crying “Who dares keep my steps here or there?” I’ve gone through the ages, spent And recommend in the almighty name And rolling in the starry night In the green blades and black speckles