Momentarily i'm never on the run And momentarily i'm back where i come from And i'd once again Lay* my head down on the bed that i have left unmade 'cause momentarily i'm home sweet home. Momentarily i'm not letting you down And momentarily my actions make you* proud* And i found a way And to go back and say my sorrys for the things i've left undone 'cause momentarily i'm in your arms. You offered me that chance Oh, but i had other plans* So now it's back to chasing daydreams Just like when I first started. Momentarily we're careless and we're free And momentarily this moment's all we need And i take you down to the place i've found where all writings on the wall 'cause momentarily i've had it all. Yeah and i take you down into the place i found where all the writings on the all Cause momentarily i have it all. But just momentarily.