作曲 : 吕恒 作词 : 走乐 演奏:吕恒 钢琴曲纯音乐作品,请您欣赏。 Quiet night, yearning for the sea you stepped on the gentle sand, stepping on the heart of the waves, leisurely swaying with the sea breeze. 静谧的夜,向往大海的你踏着沙的温柔,踩着浪的心跳,悠然地随海风摇曳。 Suddenly, a huge wave accompanied by a gulls of a seagull, would wake you up in your own world. You look at it four times, but the sea is pitch black. Only heard one after another, "ah", "ah", "ah" sound, like a child's scream, but also like a child's cry. 突然,一声巨浪伴一阵海鸥嘶鸣,将沉醉在自己世界的你惊醒。你讶异地四下张望,可海面一片漆黑。只听见此起彼伏的“啊”、“啊啊”、“啊”声,似孩子的惊叫,也像孩子的呼喊。 With the flashing lights along the beach, a flock of seagulls sometimes roar up into the sky, sometimes cheering for a quick dive close to the surface of the sea to make you happy and inspired. 借着沿滩闪烁的灯光,一群海鸥时而怒吼着冲上云霄,时而欢呼着极速俯冲贴近海面的画面令你喜形于色、灵感于瞬。 The sea took the opportunity to kiss your pants and beat your legs in a roll. Your face is pleasing, as if it is drawn by the beating note, and can not help dancing with the beat. 海水乘机调皮地吻住你的裤摆,一卷一舒地拍打你的腿。你满脸惬意,仿佛被那跳动的音符牵引,情不自禁地合着节拍翩翩起舞。 The night was shallow, and the seagulls, tired of flying, perched on the deserted beach, kissed their wings, looked down, and wore their ears together. The sea is calm. When you are childlike, you want to get close to the lingering seagull. 夜色阑珊,飞累了的海鸥栖息在无人的沙滩,有的自吻羽翼,有的低头寻觅,有的耳鬓厮磨。海面一下风平浪静。你童心未泯,蹑手蹑脚想靠近那对缠绵的海鸥,可终是海鸥拍翅惊飞。 You smiled and buried yourself in the sand, with your head on your arm, looking up at the night sky by the sea, and wondering at the boundless blue sea. 你讪笑着将身体埋进沙子,头枕着手臂,仰望海边的夜空,神游无边无际之蔚蓝大海。 The melodious piano music in the distance passed through the open sea, and the sound of cadence was trickling. The seagulls heard the sound and fly back and forth, swirling in the air and sea. 远处传来钢琴曲的悠扬穿越了大海的空旷,抑扬顿挫之声涓涓流淌。海鸥闻声结伴回飞,于海空低旋,婉转和鸣。 Under the night sky under the sea, the sea is like a mirror and a seagull is like a king. And you are the one who looks at the scenery through the mirror. 海边的夜空下,海面如镜,海鸥如景。而你则是那透过镜子看风景的人! The beach, the sea, the waves, the seagulls, the sound of the harp, and the people, thus merged into a moving piece of music, stirring my heart! 沙滩、海水、波涛、海鸥、琴声、人,就这样交汇成了一首动人的乐曲,扣动心扉!