Hey, do you know where you're going? Have you noticed its snowing? Although it is June? They said your weakness was showing That your rapture was growing Just a little too soon But under these mountains, the nights and the shadows grow long The stars up above you feel wrong This is not your sky Pray to a strange constellation Thank God for your isolation This forever goodbye Dawn throws its light on the covers In this bed there's another Asleep at your side Gone, the embrace of a lover And the fire you discovered Already has died Her body recoils as your hand goes to touch her again She's a temple that won't let you in At her side you're alone On her back is the same constellation Confirming your alienation No, this flesh is not home You carry a vague conviction This life rose from an eviction Out of your homeland True but it's also addiction To this soft crucifixion Under these foreign hands And like all Christs before you, you kneel down beneath the night sky To look into your father's eyes And only feel lost Crucified to a strange constellation A new king awaits coronation But there will be no great revelation Your journey is your destination Discomfort could be your salvation Here under the Southern Cross